NovelToon NovelToon


Introductory Arc Episode 1

"Well this story takes place in the city of Prionier. It is about a boy who lost his father at the age of 3 and was totally orphaned on his ninth birthday when his mom died at a lab accident. Having no family to speak of the, although Child Care introduced him to foster homes but he never felt any attachment there. Therefore he kept jumping from one foster home to others until he requested the child care in sending him to a boarding school which wasn't that big a problem due to the fortune left by his parents. Once 15 he started living in his family home after being permitted by the headmaster and the higer personnel of the child care center. Nowadays he lives alone and works part time in a software repairs shop......well you must be thinking who am I? what you weren't, well atleast some of you were or so I think..... worry not you will come to know me just in a little bit, since after all I am the MVP of this story but leave that part let's start with the story now. It begins with our mc sitting in the metro on his way back home"

Sitting in the train as Asher looked at his watch he thought" Huh! 12:45 already, even if it's a metro it still seems to be running late by 15 minutes. Well not that it's such a big bother, but it seems I'll have to wait till the repeat telecast at 19:30. Well that's the station, better get close to the door or else I'll be minced into a ham by the crowd. Ooh! That's right, the hard drive, if it gets lost in the train then Ryu's gonna kill me. Better take a look at it while I still have the chance"

As the train stoped, no sooner the gates opened, hordes started boarding it without even letting the passages out. A jostle of the station rugby began among the passages who were trying to get out against those trying to get in. As Asher snucked out of the crowd he saw a scene just like one out of a live action movie.

A man dressed in black wearing a face mask slid of the corner of the escalator while being chased by a group of what seemed like high ranking government security officials. While the officers fully armed kept chasing the man without having a care for the civilians there which seemed rather odd but in the same place never did the man in black attempted the slightest to to a hostage. With this the station sank in chaos and panic as masses tried to avoid the situation while some started making videos most probably streaming it live.

The man in the run was like a phantom, even in the crowded station he moved among the masses like a flee while the armed guards bumped into the crowd every now and then. While the guards warned the man to stop or they shall shoot both the man and the officials knew that shooting in the crowded station was always off the table.

As the man jumped over the ticket counter and almost wall ran the station security guard's office he banged into Asher who stood almost stunned at the place startled by the thrilling sight. While Asher was thrown back onto a middle-aged couple by the collision the man also almost lost his balance but regained it in a split of second.

As the officers neared the ticket booth the man jumped over the train's roof and evaded our visibility.

It was a good thing that none among the civilians were hurt the securities at the ticket counter panting and bathed in sweat talk to someone over the bluetooth about how the target evaded their blockade zone and was entering the main street.

As the situation started receding people made a sigh of relief while some were frustrated as their live stream lost the boasting midway.

After resting for a little bit the guards started moving out while on the other hand the couple helped Asher up openly showing their concern about him.

After checking for injuries he thanked the couple and was on his way back home.

The situation outside the station was also quite unusual as three black cars and a van was standing near the exit with some heavily armed guards and the men Asher just saw in the station with one of them circling a car and asking for a report after every second on his bluetooth.

Entering the main road while on the pavement walking his way back home Asher thought "Will they succeed in catching that man, infact who was that asshole, damn bastard he jolted me elbowed my shoulder quite hard, aah! it's still aching. Was he really of spy or just a B-grade thief or maybe he was an assassin who knows, but still I've to admit it was quite thrilling to behold, damn it gave me goosebumps man.'

Back on his couch near his computer as he popped open the cola can fresh out of freezer Asher said it out loud," Ahhhh! man, now isn't this life, now let's see what viruses has that Ryu boy got int his hard drive this time, damn it's like a told him a hundred times not to give his drives to those punks for downloading porn but who listens to whom. Oh ****! what do I care since I am the one getting the money for fixing these."

After taking it out of the bag Asher jacked the drive to his cpu and started working on it, as he started the booting process he was fazed as he saw an unexpected looping code blocks access to the drive, good for him he was unexpectedly brilliant at cracking and as he went on he felt dizzy, while the loop was almost undone Asher fainted from his couch bashing his head on the computer.

....... Inside suite 722, Hotel Camaron.......

First Lieutenant:"Sir Case File-XXC708#, Lamanz Carmile is dead. He was ran over by a skidding truck while on the run on Lane 23."

Colonel:"Lieutenant was the package retrieved?"

First Lieutenant:"No Sir! the target didn't have the package on him."

Colonel:"Any leads on the package Lieutenant?"

First Lieutenant:"Yes Sir! the target was last seen to make body contact with a boy in the station."

Colonel:"What are the chances of the boy being associated?"

First Lieutenant:"Sir the target collided with the boy in the station and that's the only thing we know up until now and that's the closest thing to a lead we have."

Colonel:"You mean we have nothing on the package, Lieutenant don't take the priority of this situation lightly, don't you know it is a matter of international security!"

First Lieutenant:"Sir don't concern yourself sir! I'm on it, I assure you we will find the package before late"

Colonel:"So do I hope Lieutenant otherwise none of us will be able to elude the crisis."

Introductory Arc Episode 2

" feels dizzy, ahh! my head hurts",as he opened his eyes the light from the windows blinded him. It took Asher a little while to adjust his eye, trying to get up he felt a surge of pain as his whole body ached due to bashing onto the computer while he fainted.

Getting up he immediately put his hand on the couch as he felt light headed, he sat on the couch and dazed for a while after that it all started coming back, he remembered returning home from station then starting to fix Ryu's hard drive and after that it was all a blank. Remembering the hard drive he looked at the desk just to find that the cpu has fallen on the ground unplugged from the main frame along with the hard drive still jacked into it.

Asher was relieved to see that it was only unplugged and the wires were safe and sound.

Asher felt as if a rock was lifted from his heart when the computer ran smoothly after plugging in the cpu.

He switched off the computer and leaned on the couch with a hand on his forehead as he thought to himself,"Damn man! what a drag, how come I just fucking fainted without a warning, am I really sick. Surely I'm not having those low blood pressure issues now, am I? Damn if this happens at school I will surely be accessed of not taking good care of my health or not eating properly and with that the school will revoke my permission for staying at my parents' house by myself and once again I'll be jailed in the school dormitory. Shit! I can't let that happen. But really now, why did I faint? Well leave that for later let's go buy some hot chicken wings, Mmmmm..... feeling really chicken hungry."

Asher jumped off the couch, then he took his phone and changed into a tiger themed hoodie and his favourite damaged jeans. He then took off for Miss Mosley's to buy the chicken wings.

The sky was orangish pink as it was the cocktail hour with a light breezy with which sets the perfect mood for an afternoon walk. The part of the city where Miss Mosley's was located was quiet and fresh. Since automobiles generally didn't pass through that area it was much pollution free, they had a few small stores and a mini-mart and quite a few small houses here and there. Miss Mosley's was quite famous for its chicken dishes as people from all over the city came to her shop but around this time of the day it was always a little deserted.

Entering the door Asher moved towards the counter to order his favourite extra spicy grilled dragon fire wings. After waiting for a while on one of the table Asher walked up to the counter on hearing miss Mosley's croaky voice shouting,"One hot bucket of dragon fire wings", as he was reaching to pick up the bucket he heard,

"Hey you! yes you, what are you doing trying to steal my chicken wings"

\[ An unfamiliar grating female voice \]

Asher turned around to find a beautiful girl a little taller than him with curly blonde hair having pin strips in between, her eyes were hazel with thin eyebrows and her skin was plump. She was wearing a scarlet top and denim shorts.

Snatching the bucket Asher replyed lazily, "Yeah! sure, in your dreams."

The girl opened her mouth and breathed some air, then shouted on the top of her voice,"How dare you, those are mine I ordered them first, give it back immediately."

Taking the bucket behind his back Asher promptly said,"Nope I ordered them first."

Hearing the commotion on the counter miss Mosley rushed to witness the situation."What are you kids quarrelling about?"she asked while crashing on the counter desk with her big tummy.

"He/She is trying to take my chicken wings"

Both of them replyed at the same time.

Miss Mosley :"Wait! let me check the orders."

Asher :"Don't even think for a second that you will be able to put your hands on these."

The Girl :"Yeah you thief! wait till she checks the orders, then I'm going to call the cops on you."

Miss Mosley(after checking the orders) :"Well it seems both your orders were taken but at that I must must have ignored that we were running low on ingredients, it's my fault why don't one of you order something else."

Asher :"People like you, you love slandering others without proof right, see I had ordered them earlier, now stop bothering me and order something else."

The Girl :" But I ordered them too you know, why don't you give them to me, after all these are my favorite you know."

Asher :"Oh yeah! why should I (mimicking the girl)after all these are my favorite you know."

The Girl :"Enough! don't you want to help a beautiful girl like me, then I will add you to my good books you know."

Asher :"Yeah and you are already in my black list, just think of it as a blessing that I ain't filing defamation charges against you and stop bothering me."

The Girl :" Hey, why are you being so stingy about it, you know I've always dreamt about a knight on a white horse carrying me to a banquet of delicacies."

Asher :"Hmmm, and just now before coming to the shop I dreamt of a gluttonous old witch eating all my chicken wings."

The Girl :" How dare you call me old.."

Miss Mosley (intervening) :"Shut up you two, stop quarreling like babies over a ******, why don't you two just share the bucket, it should be enough for two and I will give you cold drinks on the house for the inconvenience."

The Girl :" Whaaat! sharing it with him! his face makes me feel like puking."

Asher :" Well then it's settled, you can't eat these while you feel like puking, so I will be taking them."

The Girl :" Wait wait, let me tell you the truth, actually today is my father's birthday day you know and these chicken wings are his favourite, so I was buying these to give him a surprise."

Asher :" Well after hearing that it seems like you are not such a bad girl, it seems I've misjudged you."

The Girl :"Then you are giving me the chicken wings right?"

Asher :"Well ofcourse, but you know what, when my mother was alive she loved these chicken wings, so after she passed away I always offer chicken wings at her cemetery."

Miss Mosley (angrily) :" Asher don't joke about the dead it's bad manners, and you girl, stop lying you never asked for the other to be packed in the first place, if you two don't want to share it then give it back, none of you are getting it."

The Girl :"Alright alright, I'll share it with him."

Miss Mosley stared at Asher as he nodded to comply.

Introductory Arc Episode 3

At that time Miss Mosley's was quite deserted with just a few people occupying over 4-5 tables.

Asher sat facing the girl, as he crushed open the chicken bone with his teeth, she spoke out of nowhere," Mm(while having chicken in her mouth) I'm Tiara and you?"

Breathing in the hot smoke coming from the chicken in his hand Asher replied," Tiara, Tiara what? Only Tiara? Well I'm Asher Marz."

Tiara :" Tiara Queens."

Asher :" What! Are you kidding me? Queens! is that even a name?"

Tiara :" Why what wrong with Queens."

Asher :" Nothing, it's just that it sounds so queens (mockingly speaking)."

Tiara :" Are you trying to mock my family, do you know how rich my dad is?"

Asher :" Yeah! so rich that instead of ordering a gift online for his birthday you came all the way to Miss Mosley's to order dragon fire wings, so rich that you can't even afford the wrapping cost, were you planning on going all the way back to your home with the unpacked bucket?"

Tiara :" As if you are one to talk, you lied about your mother being dead, that's like the lowest of the low don't you even value your own mother?"

Asher :" Well Tiara dear that wasn't a lie, my mother is indeed dead and it's also true that these dragon fire wings were her favourite, the only lie was that they were not a offering to my dead mother's grave but we're for the one and only very much alive and kicking me."

Tiara :" I'm sorry."

Asher :" What for?"

Tiara :" I'm sorry for speaking ill about your mother."

Asher :" Well how much did that scarlet top cost?"

Tiara :" What!"

Asher :" Well the mint sauce on your chicken is dripping onto your top making a beautiful splatter of unremovable stench on the scarlet"

"What the...", shouted Tiara as she looked worriedly towards her top. On spotting the sauce drops on her top she dashed immediately towards the washroom. Without even flinching Asher kept on munching the chicken legs thinking "Damn what a girl, these are the ones I hate the most. It's like the perfect queen bitch genre, huh what a coincidence even her name is Queens"

Tiara came out of the washroom talking to someone over the phone, as she neared the table Asher could hear her say," ok how much late..",then she paused all of a sudden and looked on the phone's screen. In an instance her facial expression changed to that of a unmarried overworked employee who shows his frustration towards his boss the minute he turns his back. Posing like a professional baseball pitcher as if she was about to throw her phone she bashed to the table and asked Asher," My phone got fucking dead, give me yours, I need to make a call."

Asher replied calmly while sucking the bones,"Number."

An irritated Tiara replied in a cranky tone," You despicable pervert, you are trying to get the number of a girl you just met just how shameless are you?"

Calm as a saint Asher replied pointing with a bone towards the counter," Over there Miss Mosley has a phone too I think."

Hearing his expressionless reply Tiara calmed down a bit then said,"999-999-999"

Dialing the number Asher asked Tiara before clicking on the call button,"Mom or dad"

A little astonished Tiara replied dad, as Asher handed over the phone to her.

From the way Tiara spoke on the phone it looked to Asher something like ," Yeah ,no my phone got switched off its battery died,

Ok alright I'll try taking a cab,

No I will be fine,

No it's a friend's phone,

Yeah you don't have to worry,

Ok bye.'

While handing over the phone Tiara said," Sorry I was angry with my dad and I exploded on you, speaking the truth I'm having a really bad day today and neither were you a perfect gentle man either, so I never got a chance to calm myself."

"Yeah sorry for that I was born bad.", replied Asher.

A little unexpected Tiara said,"No I didn't mean it like that as I told you...."

Pausing Tiara mid sentence Asher giggled," Yeah you are having a rough day I can see that, even your apology sucks."

After chatting with Tiara for a bit on various topics over ice cream as he headed towards the door Tiara pulled his hoodie. Turning back Asher asked,"What?"

Tiara said," Umm It seems I don't have enough money for the cab."

Asher(a little irritated) :"No don't even think about it I ain't lending you any money."

Tiara :" No no it's not about the money it's just that a friend of mine lives nearby but it's dark out side and the road to their is quite infamous among the us girls."

Asher :" So what do you want me to do?"

Tiara :" Well you know, there are people who are just waiting for a lone girl to pass by, so will you please pretty please walk me through just for a little bit it's only a 15-20 minutes on foot."

Asher :" Hmm and what if I try to do something to you, then what?"

Tiara :" Ooh you, if it's only you then I can kick you *** just fine, so you don't concern me."

Asher :" That's disheartening."

Tiara :" What!"

Asher :" Well it would have felt good it were some along the lines, no I don't think someone like you would do something like that."

Tiara :" Well you can say that too."

Asher :" Well being the most gentlemanly that I have ever been in my life let me tell you, Ladies First."

[ 15 minutes later near an under construction building in a deserted street ]

As the evening sky fell into the grasp of mindless darkness diminishing every last flicker of light, all the street lamps at once glinted all of a sudden creating a bit anxious atmosphere, adding to that Tiara halted all of a sudden and turned around. A little twitching Asher backed a step.

Tiara (laughingly) :" Afraid?"

Asher :"Yes!"

Tiara :" Well don't be I just wanted to ask you, how did it know it was one of my parents?"

Asher( a bit at ease) : Otherwise how would I know the number of the girl whom I just met?"

Tiara :" Hmm perceptive I see, well all this afternoon I've been a bitch, let me make it up to you."

As she finished her words she put her hands around his waist and slowly came close towards his face. As the windless sky laid dead in the darkness Tiara started kissing Asher, the the next moment Asher pushed her back shouting, " You psycho, are you a thief or a pickpocket, you think that you can just snitch a phone while kissing somebody and no-one will ever notice, well bitch you are out of luck today."

All of sudden Tiara's expression took a 180 degree turn as she forced Asher into the building an knocked him on the ground, then asked, " Where is the package?"

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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