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The Undead


"Red roses are the best...." Don't you think?
They represent .... romance ... and beauty of life....
I used to love them a lot... but my life has turned into black instead of beautiful like these red roses....🥀
Hi, my name is Ruby Thomas. And my age is 22.
I used to be a pretty, fun girl.... but now everything is changed.
My life has turned into darkness and I have lost all my hopes and dreams...
It's like darkness is swolling my whole concious and I have trapped inside this neverending sadness...
"This Darkness is neverending"
I wasn't like this before, but after the death of my boyfriend James... Every light of my life got extinguish.
James was the most loving person... I had ever known... He was 20 when we first met.... He had broad shoulders, dark brown eyes and black hairs... and yes he was hella tall... Girls would fall for him at first sight but I was the only one he loved ...
He was very loyal and carefull towards our relationship.... He was the person that made my every moment special.
I was 18 and he was 20....when we fall for each other on a blind date.....
That type of love which people hear in fairytales or in movies... but I expirenced it in reality because of James... HE WAS THE LOVE MY LIFE....AND I WAS HIS... OUR SOULS ARE BINDED WITH EACH OTHER THAT EVEN AFTER HIS DEATH I STILL FEEL HIS PRESENCE... LIKE HE'S ALIVE ..
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
(suddenly low sobs)
My life's every dream got shattered on that one day when that horrific incident happened....
I lost him for forever... We could even not found his body, so because of which their were no last rites....
It was two years back... when my everything got disappeared...
In a car accident on 23rd june we lost him....
Even though after all this sometimes I think...
"Isn't strange that there was no sign of his body when I myself witness the accident.."
Whenever I think about that ....(chokes).... my concious, my body and every part starts shivering.....
WHY WHY ? ME ....WHY ?
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
*crying and sobbing loudly*
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
I hate myself... for being alive without him....... (moans loudly)
So... my good readers I thought of writing some horror and mysterious story...So, I hope you all will like it.... and give me a lot of love and support............................
So if my this novel got a proper support as it deserves... I will write more on this genre......💕
So... Don't forget to like, love and subscribe...........🖤

Chapter 2

Someone calls Ruby from her bedroom to lawn.
She comes downstairs..
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
Good morning Auntie.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
Good morning Darling.
Author pov-: She is James mother... Since Ruby and James were in relationship for two years and after his death there was nobody whom Mrs Marry could trust... Ruby came to live with her... She treats her like her mother.... Ruby had no parents... they died when she was very young.... She used to live in orphanage before meeting James... After meeting him..., her life completely changed as she started to know what's it like to be in family and what it feels like to love...
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
(hugs her) Dear.., your eyes look so swollen..
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
No, aunty I am very good...
Mary caressing her cheeks.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
I know you were crying for the whole night .. Don't fake it, Ruby I know you.
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
I ...just can't .. overcome the reality... Everything is so harsh.. Mrs Mary...
Ruby hugs her more tightly.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
I know it's hard.. it's hard for me too.
Suddenly, someone enters.......
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Hey, good to see you ladies..
Name- Larry Gaze.... bestfriend of James....same age as James, he's 24. He's famous, rich and from high status family.... He has somewhat a mysterious personality.... Nobody really knows what goes on his mind... But he's childhood friend of James... So, after his death he usually visit his place and took a great care of Mrs. Marry and Ruby...
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
(shocked) Larry... please knock before coming...
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Why isn't this my house?
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
Yeah... yeah son it's yours. Now come fast and eat breakfast.
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Ok...Mrs. Machew
She laid the table and organise the breakfast.
They lived in a lovely cottage outside city borders...
Their house is not big but very sweet and comfy.
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Aunt, why don't you come and live with us? You are just like my mom.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
Thanks for your consideration.. but this is the place where I decided to live until my last breath.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
And also my James... (suddenly stops)
Everyone stops eating... Ruby stood from her chair and runs to outside for breath...
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
So sorry...(sobs)
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
it's okay aunt...(gives her water in glass and then rush towards lawn)
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
(looking towards sky) I hate you James... return to me ... again
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
(comes from behind and hug her) You shouldn't cry so much sweetheart.
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
James is the only reason why I am still breathing.
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
I don't have any clue what to do my life next without him....
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Then.. why don't you try this?
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
She turns her face towards him and looks at him in a puzzled manner.
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Chapter 3

Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
I was puzzled at his sentence
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
I mean you should start looking ahead in life...
I hold her in my embrace and told her firmly.
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Ruby, please forget James, now. He is dead, now. Accept this fact.
I said by caressing her cheeks but Ruby's expression suddenly changed.
Ruby's eyes watered once again with this emotional saline liquid which I couldn't understand why she's being like this again. Can't she accept the fact.... Why is she so emotionally sensitive?
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
(With teary eyes) You .. could ..never understand my pain ... Larry. (taking pause) James is not only my love of my life but he is my life .... I could never get over him.
At this point , I was again left in disappointments.... I could no longer utter any words but .... said those three words which every helpless man told a woman in these types of situations.
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
I am very sorry... Ruby.. please don't cry.. I don't intend to make you cry.
Ruby Thomas
Ruby Thomas
I won't attend today's college today. So you should go to your office alone. I am not well..
Author pov-: Larry is the successor of his father's company. While Ruby is still in her college completing her post graduation studies.. Her college lies in City area... So, Larry usually comes to pick her and give a lift to college while he goes to his office.
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Ok then... take care.
Ruby goes to church to make her feel better after this harsh morning.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
Are you going, Larry?
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
Where is Ruby? Did she skipped her college again, and went to that old church?
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Yes... I think so.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
This girl... she's completely lost...(worried tone)
But I won't take this any longer... She has to believe that James won't be coming back.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
Larry... I want to talk to you for a moment. Could you spare me some minutes.
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Sure, Aunt.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
it's about Ruby.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
I don't know how should I say... but think this of as a last favour.
My voice collided this moment but I gathered courage and spoke out.
Mary Machew
Mary Machew
Marry Ruby.
Larry Gaze
Larry Gaze
Author pov- His eyes enlaged in astonishment at Mrs. Marry proposal for Ruby.. While Marry was waiting for his answer adamantly because she could no longer see that little girl ruining her life because of her dead son.
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