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Dark Star (Taekook)

Escaped or Trapped~

My 8th story.... hope you enjoy~~
**123** : Mind link (123) : Thinking *123* : Doing
. . .
TW: abuse, implied self-harm
Taehyung is on the run.
His body is aching, frail, thin. Although he is quite larger than any other wolves of his rank, he is still an omega and abused at that.
This is the only chance he has to escape. He has no time to spare for tears and whining. He cannot waste time complaining about how sore his body is from all the beating he received this morning.
Vincent/ V
Vincent/ V
**We can do it, Tae. I'm really trying.**
His wolf, Vincent said.
**Thank you.**
He can only say in response.
His paws hit the ground as he runs. Everything feels heavy but nothing is much heavier than the thought of going through another excruciating day.
If they would kill him, if they would just kill him, he would thank them. But no. Every time he tries to, he is nursed back to health for him to be hurt and in pain after a couple of days.
Yes, he is starving too. He could not remember when was the last time he ate decent food or when was the last time he drank a warm milk. He just wants some pancake and milk for breakfast and some fried pork at lunch. A steak probably for dinner.
He could hear the many paws chasing after him. The angry howls from the pack he was from are ringing through the deep woods.
If it were not for a boy who helped him escape, he would have had the chance to do so. But the poor runt is probably killed by now.
Cold wind of the night hits his furs and the smell of the pines his nose. He wants to revel at such darkness and beauty.
When was the last time he got out of his prison cell? But he could not enjoy such enigmatic beauty of nature. He needs to cross the other border.
The boy said that once he crossed the border, if he wants to finally end his life, he needs to turn
(Where am I turning? Is it northeast or northwest?😰)
They are closing in and they could probably smell his fear reeking off of him.
He is trying to suppress a whine that is about to escape him. His scent is enough to lead the pack to him. A small unnecessary sound is very much unwelcomed.
(North? Northeast? Northwest? Where was the falls again?)
Vincent/ V
Vincent/ V
**Let's just run northwest, Tae. I'll try to take care of you.** *says weakly*
He can smell his pack getting nearer and this left him no choice but to run northwest.
He shook his fur and ran as fast as he could, as far as his paws will take him.
(You are stronger. You can run faster. This is the only chance you will be free of your suffering, Vincent. Run.)
Tae convinces his wolf and himself to push harder although his body is close to giving up. He could see a clearing ahead where the light from the moon illuminates the field.
(Where is the falls? Where is it?)
But he pushed forward, hoping that the clearing is another border or did he already cross a border? He does not know.
All he knows is he wants to get to the falls and if he could not, he cannot get rogue. He just cannot because he knew he would find him. The pack would not stop at anything to find him.
When he reached the clearing, he collapsed on the ground, panting hard. Tears are filling his eyes.
Tae hopes against all hopes that someone would not touch him. He wants no one to find him. He just wants to get to the falls. He just wants to free himself from the pain.
But that would be for tomorrow because he could not get up. He could no longer run. His body is giving up on him and no matter how much he wants to move, he has no strength to do so.
So, he curled himself against the world as he shifted back to his human form. N*ked and cold.
(Let me just rest for awhile. I just want to rest.)
Vincent/ V
Vincent/ V
**I'm sorry. I am at my limit, Tae.**
Vincent's voice is getting weaker and he knows it would take a while to hear from him again. Just like all the other times. His body is too weak to connect to Vincent.
Tears fell from his eyes and he succumbed to darkness.
. . . .
Tae woke up in a cold hard cell.
(Where am I?)
Tae scrambled to the corner of the small space he was given. He sniffed the air and he knows he is not back on his pack, at least.
(This pack might allow me to die.)
Tae hugged his knees and that was when he felt how n*ked he is. He feels exposed and vulnerable. He lets his eyes roam the dark cell and found a flimsy blanket on the ground where he once was sleeping.
With shaky hand, Tae grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around himself in hopes to give him warmth and a bit of protection.
(Where am I?)
He called for his wolf but as expected, V has withdrawn for awhile. So it is just him.
Tae hears the metal bar shaken across his. He squints his eyes and found a burly man with long hair and dangerous eyes. Tae pushed himself further on the corner.
Sleeping beauty is finally awake, aye?
The man spit something, perhaps, a chipped nail as he was chewing on his index finger.
Such a beauty for a man must not be wasted.
Tae kept quiet. He does not know how to talk to strangers. He has stopped talking to one.
You're in Dark Star pack. *pushes his face on the metal bars*
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. . .
You're in Dark Star pack.
(I haven't heard of such.)
They don't treat rogues very kindly. *laughs*
Well, I just killed a pup when it crossed their borders three years ago.
Remorse is missing in the man's voice.
*frowns* (Then, you probably deserve the hostility and punishment you got.)
Tae kept quiet.
He is used to getting imprisoned. It is no different. But the pack matters. He is hoping the Alpha here would be so kind to let him go or merciful enough to kill him. Either kindness or mercy, he deserves it.
Tae heard the metal door opened and footsteps nearing them. The prisoners are getting rowdy. He could hear howling and shouts and curses and shaking of their cells.
But he quietly sits in the corner, hugging his knees, making sure the blanket is wrapped securely around him.
A metal stick hit against Tae's cell and his body's response is to flinch and cower in fear.
A man who looks like a patrol guard entered and grabbed Tae by the elbow, uncaring of his whimpers. With one hand, Tae quickly wrapped the blanket on the lower part of his body.
Tae's legs are sore from running and his feet aching from all the scratches. Taehyung really could not walk straight and so he was dragged, not knowing where he is going and he has no courage to ask in fear of getting hit by the stick.
Uncaring, he just followed the man upstairs.
When the light hits Tae's eyes, he squinted them. It is too bright, something he was not used to. But, slowly and carefully, he tried to adjust in the new surrounding.
He pried his eyes open to see the long luxurious hall. He looks down at himself and saw that he is unfitting for such a place and he probably is causing dirt on the carpeted floor.
The walls are adorned with colorful paintings. Soft music is playing on the background. It smells good. His eyes are full of wonder as he takes in the beauty of the pack house.
(It looks like a mansion.)
Walk faster, mutt.
Tae was kicked at his leg and was tugged painfully. Why he is not handcuffed is beyond him. He is a prisoner of the pack, right? But, then again, the guard might not see him as a threat.
The man opened a door harshly and pushed him inside, causing him to stumble. He hates how weak he looks like but his body is literally weak from starving.
Geez, Ken, no need to throw the poor rogue. Have you seen how weak his body looks and how faint the smell of his wolf is?
Tae looks up to see a man shorter than he is and the man looks kind. But looks can be deceiving.
The man looked kind and perfect but he was pure evil.
*bows* Forgive me, sire.
*sighs and waves his hand away* Go. But don't expect that the King won't hear about this.
*chokes* (What King?)
The guard jogged out of the room and the man stood up.
The man looks neat and lazy.
Welcome to the Dark Star Kingdom. You are on the Wolf King's territory. My dear, you crossed the wrong border.
The man smiled but it did not reach his eyes and Tae knows it he is not amused.
(There is a Wolf King?)
(Is this man the King?)
Tae quickly bowed his head to show courtesy but the man only chuckled.
I am Jimin, the Beta. My dear, you don't have to bow to me.
Jimin walked closer to Tae, causing him to sniffle, and keep his eyes on the ground.
He is coming~~
**V, where are you?!**
Tae is looking for comfort from his wolf even though he knows he would be met with silence.
Vincent/ V
Vincent/ V
**Oh god! I'm still sleepy, Ta-Wait. That smell. What's that smell?**
**You're hereee!**😢
Tears well up his eyes from happiness. At least, Vincent is fine.
Vincent/ V
Vincent/ V
**Shut up, Tae. Chocolates. Chocolates. Chocolates.**
Tae's sassy wolf kept chanting on his head, pacing around like madman and it is making his head ache.
The door opened and yes, Vincent is right!
The whiff of hot chocolate on a cold afternoon hits Tae's senses and he almost mõaned at the sweet smell. Sweet edible smell.
(Chocolates. The last time I had one was when I was five.)
A loud growl almost ripped the room apart and Tae was broken out of his trance although his gaze was fixated on the ground.
**V, can a Chocolate growl?**
Can you guess what it is??
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"123" : mind linked to someone else
. . .
Jungkook just got back on his territory after a long travel in the south.
Last night Jimin mindlinked him that there was an intruder in their pack.
Their pack is the largest of all and situated just outside the castle grounds. Yes, the whole werewolf community is his kingdom but he still has his home pack.
He is the Wolf King. He is Jeon Jungkook, coming from the lineage and the bloodline of pure alphas. He is strong, proud and powerful and he knows he earned everything. More than just a birth right, he is born to be king.
Jungkook settles pack disputes and issues which are really disruptive to the peace and order of the werewolf community. The elders are also with him, giving him assistance for a better grasp of different situations. He knows he is smart but he also is humble enough to admit that he does not know everything.
Alexander/ Al
Alexander/ Al
**Damn, Jungkook, what is taking you so long finding our mate? I'm dry as fck. I need some good loving.**
Jungkook's wolf is ranting on his head.
**Fck you! You know I'm trying really hard, right?! Do you think I don't want a good loving and rough fcking?** *says grumpily*
Your Highness.*greets*
Jungkook just gave them a curt nod as he continued to stride towards the holding room where they interrogate the rogues.
Rogues are treated fairly well in their pack and he continues to campaign on such. However, there are really times when he is not on his best condition and he is annoyed with the same problem. everytime. And this time is one of those times.
"Just fcking interrogate the rogue, Jimin." *mindlinks Jimin*
"If he's bad, just hold him as prisoner or throw him outside. I don't care."
"Namjoon, where are you?"
Jungkook mindlinked the pack's head Guardian.
"Still on the west. Will travel home soon."
Alexander/ Al
Alexander/ Al
**Hey, 29-year old v!rgin, let's check the rogue. I wanna see some new faces I feel like I wanna see him.**
"You sure you don't want to see this pretty thing? You might change your vow of chasity to your mate if you see him."
Jungkook threw his duffle bag on the floor and ruffled his hair with both of his hands in annoyance. He is a leader. Yes. But he is also a person too who feels annoyed and irritated and tired.
😩 Aish! Y'all annoying! *walks through the long hallway*
He took a deep breath, causing his wolf to go crazy inside his head.
The damn wolf is jumping and screaming around. He can imagine the tail wagging like helicopter blades.
**Alexander, damn boy. Shut the fck up!**
Alexander/ Al
Alexander/ Al
**Kook, I can smell mate. Mate. Mate. Mate.**
Alexander is close to whimpering.
Jungky paused and sniffed the air.
(Strawberries and vanilla. Oh, fck!)
Jungkook's feet moved faster. He is cursing inside his head and his vision almost hazy. It still has not sunk in that his mate could be in the same building as he is. He crossed path with Ken, the guard. And fck, his mate's scent is too strong on him.
He could not keep Alexander at bay. His anger got the best of him. Eyes shifting to light gray, canine surfacing. His chest let out a low rumble and without any warning, the guard was shoved on the wall.
Jungkook held the man by the neck.
Jungkook could no longer think straight. He is close to snapping the neck of the guard. The rogue issue and Jimin are long forgotten.
Alexander/ Al
Alexander/ Al
**Mate. He touched mate. Blood. Blood. Blood**
Al is chanting inside Jungkook's head. He is out for blood.
Room, Beta...😨
The guard pointed to the room where they interrogate rogues.
Jungkook threw the guard on the floor. He no longer cares if it is his own people. More than anything, he wants to see his mate.
Alexander/ Al
Alexander/ Al
**Go to mate. Please, please.**
Five long strides and he is in front of the door. Wasting no time, he opened the door harshly. And Alexander and he could no longer keep it. His growl resounded through the whole room and it made Jimin expose his own neck in submission.
All Jungkook wanted at that moment is shift and kill whoever laid their hands on his mate but the urge to kill and to spill blood is surpassed by the urge to comfort and protect.
Jungkook quickly took off his shirt and slowly approached the sweet-smelling person.
Alexander/ Al
Alexander/ Al
**Jungkook, he really does not look too good. The bruises gonna take a lot of time to heal. I cannot connect with his wolf. My mate, Kook, help mate.**😰😰😰
Jungkook knelt on the ground. He is unsure of how to approach the boy whose sight is fixated on the ground.
"Jimin, the name!"
"Fck. I don't know!"
"Leave us alone for a moment, Jimin."
Hastily, Jimin walked out of the room, locking the door after him.
Jungkook closed his eyes and tried to calm himself and Alexander down.
Jungkook tried to be as gentle as possible because by the looks of things, his mate has been through hell.
Can I touch you?😟
Ok, so did you all really think that Jk would be a cruel merciless Wolf King??
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