episode 1
leo Alvin
*fell on the ground*
ms. Alvin / Ella
are you fucking kidding me?!?!
ms. Alvin / Ella
you freak!
ms. Alvin / Ella
I told you to wipe the floor clearly
ms. Alvin / Ella
it should look like mirror!
ms. Alvin / Ella
can't you understand!?!
ms. Alvin / Ella
what sorry?!?!
ms. Alvin / Ella
**** this!!
mr. Alvin / Harry
what happened?
ms. Alvin / Ella
I told him to clean the floor instead he made it dirtier!!
leo Alvin
(I did clean it)
leo Alvin
(it looks clear)
mr. Alvin / Harry
it looks like he have forgot his place
mr. Alvin / Harry
follow me leo
leo Alvin
(if I don't, you will beat me)
leo Alvin
(and if I did, you will also beat me)
leo Alvin
*follows his father (Harry)*
ms. Alvin / Ella
yes dear?
Emily Alvin
I need some money🥺🥺
ms. Alvin / Ella
sure *gives Emily her card*
Harry takes leo in the basement
mr. Alvin / Harry
you can't disobey the people who gave you a living and a roof
mr. Alvin / Harry
*takes out his belt*
mr. Alvin / Harry
*and starts to Whip Leo's back*
leo Alvin
*fells on the ground*
mr. Alvin / Harry
*whips Leo's legs*
leo Alvin
*tears fall down his cheeks*
leo Alvin
(if I make noise he will beat me more)
mr. Alvin / Harry
why don't you just die,huh?
mr. Alvin / Harry
stop being a bother to us!
mr. Alvin / Harry
*continuesly whipping*
mr. Alvin / Harry
your mom died because of you
mr. Alvin / Harry
why don't you die too?
mr. Alvin / Harry
is it too much to ask??
mr. Alvin / Harry
did you just call me dad?!?!
mr. Alvin / Harry
how many times do I have to say don't call me dad?!?!
mr. Alvin / Harry
it's master to you!!
mr. Alvin / Harry
I have to teach you huh?
this is the outher 😌
leo Alvin
17 years old
is emotionless
but he can feel some if the other person is nice or makes him happy
Grayson Hanlon
23years old
doesn't like anyone except his family
Isabella Hanlon
45 years old
is nice and loves her family
Oscar Hanlon
51years old
is nice and loves his family
these are the important characters
jj j j j. j j jj h. gh. gg g g g h h h h hh g. gg g g g gh. h h hh g g g g g g g gh g g g gh h h h gg. g g. g h. h g gh g g g g h hh g g g g h h gg g gh gg g g g gh h gg g. gh gg g g g. h hh hh. g g ggg j j g
episode 2
leo Alvin
*opens his eyes*
maid/ ryaa
let me put ointment
maid/ ryaa
(I hope I could do something for you...)
maid/ ryaa
let me... put some ointment
the reason leo calls ryaa mom is because he doesn't have someone to call mom and she is the only person who loves him and takes care of him
ryaa puts some ointment on Leo's wounds
maid/ ryaa
you.... fainted after 'that'
maid/ ryaa
why don't you run away?
leo Alvin
I don't have any place to go
maid/ ryaa
you can come to my house
leo Alvin
you already have kids to take care of..
leo Alvin
I don't want to be a burden
maid/ ryaa
if I had enough money....
leo Alvin
you make me smile is all I want
maid/ ryaa
we should go up now
maid/ ryaa
if we get late madam will scold me
he got some clothes from ryaa
the only nice thing he eats is if ryaa bring him something from her home
ryaa gave him sheets to sleep on
leo lives in the basement
or to eat after everyone is sleeping
he makes breakfast, lunch, and dinner
the family only has one or two maids because they make leo do everything
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