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Princess In Peril


On the television screen, a news reporter spoke with evident pride as a sea of enthusiastic youths waved banners and cheered in the background. The nation's pride, Joy Rider, the youngest martial arts champion, had once again secured an international gold medal for her country, cementing her position as the most revered woman and idol of the century.

In a room, a woman with elegantly slender fingers sat, her gaze fixed on the broadcast, a sense of contentment evident on her features. She possessed a fair beauty, her dark hair falling just past her shoulders, while deep red lipstick and sharply winged eyeliner accentuated her appearance. With a click of her tongue, she turned her attention to a man lying on a pristine white hospital bed, his face concealed by an oxygen mask and his head wrapped in a bandage.

Seated beside him, she commented, "I see you take pride in your sister's accomplishments." Her voice carried a touch of satisfaction. "Unfortunately, she chose to sever ties with the company. Would you believe what she told me before her latest fight?"

The woman's gaze lingered on the motionless figure as if anticipating a response, though none came. "Before her final match, she boldly declared her intention to terminate the contract and devote herself to caring for you," she continued, a tinge of annoyance making her voice grow hoarse.

"I concur! You also think her words are mere gibberish, don't you?" she exclaimed, nervously biting her nails. Her gaze flicked to her phone, which had received a message, and in an instant, her expression transformed into a sinister grin.

"You know what I informed her?" she inquired, her words taking on a chilling clarity as she leaned over the bedside. "I informed her that once she won the match, she'd reunite with her brother and remain by his side for eternity." Her hand hovered menacingly near the man's face before she mercilessly removed his oxygen mask.

"If Joy won't bring me profit while alive, then her demise will serve my purpose," she chuckled coldly. The man, previously inert, twitched with pain. The monitor's green lines traced unusual patterns, and after a few agonizing moments, the line flattened, signaling the end of his suffering and the beginning of his eternal slumber.

"Mr. Rider, it was quite a productive partnership with your family," she stated, her voice devoid of emotion, icy and detached.


"Your Majesty, the caravan from the Kingdom of Ridavell has arrived at the castle. They have brought the princess," a man draped in a flowing grey cloak announced reverently. He kept his head bowed, avoiding direct eye contact with the Emperor, whose intense aqua blue eyes conveyed a grave seriousness. "They seek an audience with Your Majesty," he added.

The Emperor of Ohaeria, known for his youthful visage and cold demeanor, possessed shimmering golden hair and captivating aqua eyes. Despite his late forties, he appeared youthful and handsome. However, his formidable presence deterred many from approaching him, despite the numerous admirers vying for his attention. He was a ruthless ruler with a heart of ice.

"Show them in," commanded the Emperor in a deep, resonant voice that sent shivers down the cloaked man's spine. The man cautiously exited the throne room under the Emperor's penetrating gaze. Soon after, the room's doors swung open once more, revealing the cloaked figure and three individuals. Just before the throne's stairs, the cloaked man paused, clearing his throat before speaking.

"The princess of the East, the radiant light of the Kingdom of Ridavell, has arrived."

With these words, he stepped aside, granting passage to those behind him. As Arcane Lachtara, the third princess of Ridavell, approached the Emperor of Ohaeria, all eyes were drawn to her. Her long ebony tresses cascaded down her back, reaching her knees. Her ivory complexion beautifully complemented her crimson eyes, which sparkled like fully bloomed roses. She was a rare beauty, her dark hair and clear eyes absorbing light and leaving a breathtaking impression.

Bowing gracefully, she addressed the Emperor in a voice as soothing as a lullaby. "Your Imperial Highness, I am Arcane Lachtara, daughter of Duke Jackal Somerset and the third princess of Ridavell." As she curtsied, her layered gown fluffed up, and her straight hair formed a delicate curtain across her cheek.

The Emperor's intense gaze lingered on her, his demeanor unwavering. After a brief pause, he raised his hand, signaling her to rise. "The journey must have left you fatigued," he remarked, his tone devoid of emotion.

"Your concern warms my heart, and I will certainly convey your kindness to the King of Ridavell," she responded with a smile. Her snowy-white teeth contrasted against her crimson lips, creating an ethereal appearance.

"I appreciate that. The empress is unwell, so you shall meet her on another occasion. For now, my chancellor will escort you to your palace," he declared, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Thank you once again, Your Majesty," Arcane nodded respectfully, her head dipped.

The chancellor guided Arcane and her attendants to Hortus Palace, nestled amidst lush fruit orchards. The palace showcased an array of fruits, a testament to the kingdom's bounty. An opulent retreat for royalty and foreign envoys, its grand architecture exuded magnificence. Luxurious gardens and orchards enveloped the palace, adding to its splendor.

"Your Highness, this chamber is reserved for your stay. Should it not meet your preferences, the palace offers numerous splendid rooms for you to choose from. Please, make yourself comfortable," the chancellor's words were clear and humble.

"Thank you, Chancellor," Arcane replied, her smile warm. She entered the room accompanied by her quiet maid. As the doors closed, her eyes wandered around the expansive chamber. Divided into two sections, it featured plush couches and a study table on the lower level, while a few steps led to a grand king-size canopy bed shrouded in rich, blood-red curtains. The room was adorned in lavish red and gold hues, exuding opulence that heightened its grandeur. Arcane's tired gaze wandered before she finally approached the bed and sank into its soft embrace with a relieved sigh.

"Blanca?" she called to her maid. "Yes, my lady," the maid, her gray hair dusty and eyes sparkling with fatigue, responded. "You must be weary as well," Arcane murmured, her eyes closed, her breath weighed with exhaustion. "The bed is too vast for just me. You may share it," she gestured to the mattress.

"But..." the maid hesitated.

"No arguments, rest now," Arcane insisted, rolling onto the bed. Designed for royalty, the bed could comfortably accommodate several adults. The maid nodded and settled on the other side, finally able to find respite.


I never could have imagined that my life would take such a dramatic turn in the blink of an eye. I was Joy Rider, a successful martial arts athlete on my way to finally meet my brother, whom I hadn't seen in three long years due to my binding contract. As I boarded the plane, I impatiently counted down the hours until I would finally reach my destination. But just before takeoff, my best friend handed me a book to pass the time - something I typically abhorred. But she insisted it was better than watching a movie, so I reluctantly took it.

The hardcover pink book was titled "To Whom I Belong," with golden lettering etched into the cover. As I delved into the story, I was immediately captivated by the protagonist, Saorsa Epione. Just like her name - Saorsa, meaning freedom, and Epione, meaning a goddess who soothes pain - she was a free spirit with a kind heart. The story revolved around Saorsa and three main characters - a psycho crown prince named Vasilias Nerova, a brave war hero named Irosa Abraham, and a two-faced mage named Symon Kizashi.

Saorsa, the daughter of a minor merchant, was chosen as a candidate for the next crown princess. But her free spirit didn't align with the confined walls of the palace, so she often snuck out to live her life to the fullest. One day, while wandering the forest in search of medicinal herbs, she stumbled upon a man about to kill an innocent girl. Without hesitation, Saorsa stepped in to save the girl and caught the attention of the war hero, Irosa.

Saorsa felt a sense of injustice as she watched a girl being wronged by a mysterious hooded figure. Despite her fear, she bravely stepped in between the two, daring to stand up against the unknown aggressor. To her surprise, the hooded figure was none other than the celebrated War Hero Iroas. Her courage left a lasting impression on Iroas, who soon discovered that she was to become the wife of his bitter rival, the Crown Prince Vasilias. Fueled by a traumatic childhood and a deep-seated hatred for Vasilias, Iroas decides to take Saorsa for himself.

On the day of Iroas's official return to the kingdom, the Emperor throws a grand banquet in his honor, with all the eligible candidates for the Crown Princess in attendance, including Saorsa. When the Emperor asks Iroas what reward he desires for his outstanding service to the nation, Iroas requests the hand in marriage of the 41st candidate, Arcane. He deliberately does not mention the 40th candidate, Saorsa, knowing that Vasilias would do anything to have her. His plan is successful, and Vasilias chooses Arcane as his bride, unaware that he has been manipulated. But soon after, Vasilias lays eyes on Saorsa and is immediately smitten. He breaks off his engagement with Arcane.

When the news of her annulled engagement reaches Arcane, it shatters her and fuels her with a burning desire for revenge. She decides to take matters into her own hands and poisons Saorsa. But when the Crown Prince hears of her actions, he brutally punishes her by cutting off her hands joint by joint, knowing that killing her could lead to war. As Saorsa lies helplessly, the Mage, who has long held a secret love for her, is filled with grief and a thirst for vengeance. Using his powers as a mage, he convinces the Iroas that the only way to revive Saorsa is by burning the culprit in the pit of miseryDesperate to save his love, Iroas doesn't hesitate to end Arcane, brutally stabbing her until her body is unrecognizable before burning her in the pit of misery. And with that, the Mage successfully brings Saorsa back to life.

Just as she awakens, the Crown Prince, Vasilias Nerova, proposes to her and she accepts. Though Iroas Abraham and the Mage, Symon Kizashi, are heartbroken, they sacrifice their love for her happiness. However, on the night of the marriage, tragedy strikes as the Crown Prince is found dead in his chambers and the Emperor is poisoned. With the country left without a king, Iroas steps forward and takes control, marrying Saorsa.

Their life seems to be going smoothly until the King of Ridavell attacks the country as revenge for the death of his princess. The war hero, Iroas, goes off to fight in the war, but during this time, Saorsa is kidnapped. Though Iroas ultimately wins the war, he loses Saorsa, the love of his life, and ultimately takes his own life by jumping off a cliff.

Years later, Saorsa returns to the kingdom, which has fallen into ruins, and decides to rebuild it with the help of the mage, Symon. Together, they become successful rulers of the kingdom, but Saorsa's heart remains heavy with the loss of her loved ones.

As I read this story, I couldn't help but feel a sense of injustice. The concept of the story seemed to be that the female lead's happiness was worth sacrificing anyone's life. I felt heartbroken for Arcane, who only wanted love and attention, but instead faced pain and heartache. I cried when I read about Arcane's death. I couldn't help but harbor feelings of hatred towards Iroas, who was selfish, and the mage Symon, who believed he had the power to control others' fates. Even the Crown Prince Vasilias, who abandoned Arcane for another woman, elicited feelings of disdain.

As I read the story, time flew by, but my emotions only intensified. I couldn't stand the story, so I threw the book aside and left for my hotel. The story of Arcane still lingered in my mind, and I couldn't help but relate to her. Like her, I had always felt like a puppet, controlled by others, and just like her, I yearned for freedom.

The door to my hotel room was knocked a few times, but I barely had the energy to get up and answer it. When I finally opened the door, I saw a lady pulling a trolley. My food had arrived, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I held the door for her, but my mind was elsewhere, consumed by memories of my brother, who had been hospitalized and left me alone.

As I sat in silence, eating my meal, I received a message on my phone. It was a video clip and as soon as I opened it, my muscles spasmed, my windpipe constricted and my breath shortened. I was horrified.

“Hope you like the video! I especially made it for you.”

It was Daisy’s voice, and I saw my brother's body trembling as he desperately breathed in heavily. The moment I saw life being sucked out of him, I too felt the same. I couldn't move. The phone slipped out of my hand and a sharp pain surged through my body. I was paralyzed, I fell on my knees and twitched in pain. Painful cries escaped my lips.

“I hope you have eaten the food I prepared for you, I hope you enjoyed your last poisoned meal” She cackled at the end, “Nobody says no to me...I won your life,” With these cruel words my pain slowly numbed my body. The thought of me being a puppet danced in my head, I was so useless that I couldn't save the things precious to me. I desperately wanted to live once more...I wanted a chance again because it was unfair! I wished to have a family...I wished to have someone that loved me, I wanted to know how it felt to be loved.

And I can bet my life on the fact that Arcane too wished for the the last moment of her life when she was ruthlessly stabbed to death...she too wished to be loved and she too wanted another chance.

And just like that, I got another chance to live like Arcane Lachtara. The girl whose name gave out a feeling of sorrow. Arcane (Meaning: Understood by a few) And Lachtara (Meaning : Longing) But I knew that my chance at happiness was gone, just like Arcane's. All that was left was a feeling of longing and sorrow, a feeling that consumed me as I lay on the floor, numb and alone.


It was late when Arcane opened her eyes, the light from the window beside her bed shining directly on her, making her uncomfortable. She blinked a few times, trying to adjust her eyes to her surroundings.

"You woke up, Princess!!" Blanca exclaimed with an overjoyed face. She was already dressed neatly with her hair done into a bun.

"Yikes!" Arcane's eyes widened as she was met with sudden positive energy first thing in the morning. "Did I scare you?"

The brightness in Blanca's eyes disappeared when she saw the scared expression on Arcane's face. "No... it's not like that," Arcane rubbed her face and gently combed her hair with her fingers, and looked at the window that was shining light right in her face.

She then noticed something odd on the couch. "What is that?" Arcane pointed at the huge boxes.

"Ooh!! Princess, they arrived this morning. It is a small gift from the Emperor," Blanca couldn't contain her excitement and hopped like a bunny while biting her fingernails.

"Hah?" Arcane's one eye squinted sarcastically as she looked at the size of the boxes. "That?... you call that a small gift?" Arcane shifted her legs to the side of the bed, Blanca hurriedly brought her flat slippers.

"Nah! I am good without them." Arcane didn't wear her shoes, she walked barefoot on the cold marble floor with joy. "It's fun this way," she stepped down the stairs. The boxes were huge, about the size of her height. They were covered with elaborately embroidered cloth that was used as a replacement for gift wraps.

"This must be for the upcoming banquet...Just like in the book," Arcane muttered to herself, she suddenly felt a gust of cold wind hitting her that made her tremble all over. She suddenly remembered the storyline where she was going to be brutally killed.

"Princess!!" Blanca saw Arcane's pale face and trembling body, she ran over to her side and held her tightly to avoid her from falling. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Arcane shook her head in response as she was not okay. The trembles a while ago had caused her head to spin, she suddenly saw vague memories that the real Arcane's body held. Blanca helped Arcane sit on the couch, while she held her head tightly, she felt immense pain surging. Arcane had clenched her teeth tightly, trying hard not to scream, but it was all in vain. She could no longer control her pain and screamed bitterly as the painful unconscious memories of Arcane made their way into her conscious mind.

She saw how brutally her hands were broken and then cut off, she could feel the pain. The memories of the time when Iroas penetrated the sharp sword into her heart for the first time and then followed by the endless stabbing. She saw the hatred, loathing, and disgust in his eyes as he continued to cut her skin. Arcane couldn't take in the sorrow, her screams grew louder as she passed out. Still, the memories didn't stop pouring into her head and tormented her even in her dreams...

"Gah!!" She blinked violently as she abruptly sat up in her bed. The light of the day had long set into the never-ending darkness of the night. She looked around the room to see the silhouettes of the furniture. The moonlight was the only source of light. Arcane still had the ringing sensation of being stabbed all over her body. She felt like she had been stabbed. She gently stroked her hands that had been cut off and breathed out heavily. Arcane felt as though she had been stabbed. She gently stroked her hands, which had been cut off, and breathed heavily. Her hands were still trembling from the trauma.

"What should I do? What if I die like that again? I don't want to die," Arcane mumbled through tears. "What if I run away? What if I can just disappear from the story's plot? I am sure nothing would change, it's not like I have a major role." Arcane spoke to herself in the dark room, still stroking her hand.

"The banquet of the hero's arrival will be next month. I should just run away before that," Arcane spoke with a determined tone.

She sat there in the same posture for an unknown amount of time. She was pulled back into reality after the first light of the sun hit her face directly. She shifted her blood-red eyes towards the sun and clenched her teeth.

"I will fight you all...I will not let anyone use me like a doll," she paused for a moment, "or at least I will try."

"Or what if I could go back," she thought to herself before her attention was diverted by the door.


The door of the room opened cautiously. Blanca stepped in slowly, trying not to wake up Arcane, who had not slept a wink for the past night. Blanca was holding a huge bowl and a towel in her hands. Her eyes lit up when she saw Arcane wide awake.

"Princess! You scared me. I thought you were dying," she sprinted over to the bedside and whined.

"I was not dying...not yet," Arcane said.

"Are you feeling any better? Do you want to go outside? I have heard that they have great gardens in the palace," Blanca said excitedly.

"Outside?..." Arcane bit her lip and looked out of the window, where the trees were lightly dancing with the wind. "Let us go outside,"

"Yes! I will prepare you tea and snacks," Blanca replied.

Blanca had prepared jasmine tea and freshly baked milk bread with syrup. Thinly sliced fruits added color to the breakfast. The food was laid out on the table under the tree.

"Princess, what do you think?" Blanca asked.

"This is nice. What about you? Have you had your breakfast yet?" Arcane asked.

Blanca nodded in response. Arcane picked up the fork and ate a few berries. She had a perplexed expression. Blanca noticed her uneasiness and asked,

"Princess, is something wrong? You suddenly passed out like that and now you are frowning?" Blanca fidgeted her fingers. "You can tell me if something is bothering you,"

Arcane lifted her gaze and looked at her innocent maid. She bit her lip lightly before speaking.

"I am homesick," Arcane said.

"What? But you were the one who said you were sick of that home! Princess, they didn't even treat you like a person back there. Why would you miss that home?" Blanca suddenly spoke out with a little louder voice than usual, surprised.

What Blanca had said was true. Arcane, the adopted daughter of Duke Jackel, was not treated well. She was considered a filthy object that was never accepted into the household. She never saw the love of her family since she was born.

Arcane chuckled at Blanca's response before pausing to think. "Is there a library in the Palace?" she asked. Blanca's eyebrows twisted as she looked around before replying, "I don't know, but I can ask the other maids."

"Okay, great," Arcane said, sending Blanca on her way. As she ate her fruit, Arcane watched Blanca disappear into the distance. Without realizing it, she had finished her entire bowl of fruit.

"I want more of these," Arcane pouted, looking around. Not surprisingly, she realized she was living in a fruit orchard. A smile spread across her face as she lifted her puffy dress and walked towards the densely grown trees. "I wonder if they have oranges here," she mumbled, entering the orchard.

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