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Dragon Ball System

Chapter 1 :-- Information Of Dragon Ball System

This Novel is on based on System of Dragon Ball Universe it has the power of Dragon Ball Universe.

Dragon Ball System has all Items , Technologies , Techniques , Abilities & Powers of a Characters from Mortals , Demons & Divine Beings that Present in Dragon Ball Universe from Dragon Ball , Z , Super , GT , Multiverses , Heroes , Ultra , AF , Absalon , Manga , Games etc... From Canon , Non-Canon & Fan-made .


Character :- Male

Name :- Ryan ( No Surname because ML is an Orphan )

Hobbies :- Love to Dragon Ball and read Manga & Novels.

Earth. Country Z 2020.

Dark clouds loom over the entire East coast as news of a soon-to-be hurricane is broadcasted by several local news stations.

"Well, another day for me to sleep and not head outside." A young man approximately 21 years old is currently sitting on a couch with a dog on his lap while looking at his phone. "I guess I'll just have to call Ryan and Dylan to come over and watch Dragon Ball Super Movie : Broly for the night since my new Sliver deck is assembled.

This young man's name is Ryan . He is just an above average youth as he just finished college and getting a degree in Computer science, landing a job in a somewhat good Company.

Today was Saturday and also his day off. He was planning on doing some yardwork and grocery but seeing the situation outside, he figured that it might be better if he stays indoors.


"Hey Dylan, what's up?" Ryan answered his phone, obviously expecting the other side's call.

"Dude, it's crazy outside. I don't wanna go to your house, my car is still wrecked. Let's just Watch Dragon Ball Super Movie : Broly instead.

"Nah, I'm not in the mood to watch some movie right now. My internet connection sucks. It might be affected by the weather outside. I was gonna show you guys my new Sliver deck but it seems tha-"



Ryan wasn't expecting a scream in the middle of this stay-indoor weather. He stood up and ran to his window looking outside. Ryan saw a shocking scene as a boy's leg was trapped by a felled tree that might have been struck by lightning. He immediately wore his flip flops and ran outside to help the little kid. He dialled 9-1-1 and asked the dispatcher to get some first responders on the scene.

"Help! Please! It hurts." The boy was crying at this point and pushing the tree with his hands.

Ryan went beside the boy and tried to pry the tree to remove the leg underneath.

'This won't do, there's not much leverage and it's is very heavy.' He was in a fix and tried to come up with a solution. The wind was blowing harder, while flashes of lightning could be seen in the clouds. Ryan was panicking because the boy was getting weaker and weaker before losing consciousness.

'He's in shock! This is not good. Wait a minute, Dylan left his jack in my garage.'

"Wait here kid, I'm gonna get something to take the tree off you." Ryan ran the fastest he has ever done and entered his house. He went straight to the garage and found the jack by the shelf. He took it and went back to the kid.

When he got back, he saw another guy trying to help the kid. The guy was just driving by when he saw the miserable state the child was in, so he got out and helped.

"Help me remove the child while I use the jack to lift the tree." Ryan asked the guy to which he responded by nodding. Caol had a serious look as he was using the jack to lift the tree above the kid. When it wasn't on top of the leg anymore, the guy carried the child beside his car and they both waited for ambulance. It soon came and took the child away while the police took both of their statements and left.

"Good job out there, buddy." The guy smiled at Caol and gave him a thumbs-up.

"Whoo, that was nerve-wracking! I think I just lost 5 years of lifespan." Ryan managed a joke and they both laughed. The guy then left with his car and Ryan was still in the middle of the street.

"I'm gonna head home for now and get some hot coco to drink." As he was heading to his house, a speeding car was swerving left and right with the driver panicking. The driver lost control of the car because of the slippery road. Not too long, he saw a guy in front of him. With no time to avert his car, he hit the guy and he flew about 4 meters before hitting his head on the tree.

'Damn.' That was the last thought in Ryan's head before losing consciousness.

Chapter 2 :-- The System...

Ryan open his eyes and see himself it was an dark empty space.

"What going on! Am I not dead! Where the hell am I" Ryan thought. He remember about the Car hit him. After that he got a pain in his head.

Suddenly Ryan hear a voice in his mind .

"Who's there" Ryan shout. But their is no there he was all alone in that dark empty space.

After some time ....

Ryan see a light in that dark empty space in a far away. "What that light" Ryan speak.

After he speak, Ryan tried his best to approach that light after couples of hours he goes near the light .

" What kind of light is that the more I nearer I get the bigger and brighter it get is that a star or something else " Ryan speak.

"No! I don't think that a star or something , I don't feel any heat from that " Ryan thought.

Ryan stop a moment to observed the light for some time but suddenly light explode and it became a wormhole or portal start sucking Ryan towards it .

" What hell is going on? Why the light suddenly explode and start sucking me , I feel something bad going to happen" Ryan yelled.

Ryan tried his best to runway but it was no use Ryan got suck by the wormhole or portal.

Ryan see himself in River side out of nowhere he was confused and nervous. "What happening to me " Ryan thought.

Ryan again hear a voice in his mind

Connecting to Host....





" Who hell are you and what you doing on in my mind " Ryan yelled.

Good morning Host or Should I say Ryan...

"Who the hell are you? What going on ? Where the hell am I? What are you doing in my head? " Ryan yelled.

Let me introduce myself I am a AI System of Dragon Ball System which have everything that present in Dragon Ball Universe's, You accidentally got travelled into this world, You are now in a Cultivation World and I am link with you.

As for the current situation of Host, Host is just an weak soul without any Body. Which can vapourise anytime but Host don't have worry about that Host is protected by the System.

" So you means that I accidentally got travel here in Cultivation World with an System" Ryan speak and signs.

" F**K! What a life I have first I die due to car accident and now I got travel to a world where I can killed easily without any questions" Ryan speak in anger.


After a long Signs Ryan think about the situation a finally accept the reality .

" System! Do you have a Saiyan body for me , as you toll me in previous you are a system of Dragon Ball Universe " Ryan speak with the System.

" Yes! I do have a body a Saiyan , I am System of Dragon Ball Universe or Dragon Ball System " System tell Ryan.

" Yes! " Ryan yelled in excitement.

" So give a body of a Super Elite Saiyan with a physical appearents of Rycon with his physical body abilities . Also give me a body of a age 5 years " Ryan tell to System .

"Sorry to inform you, Host cannot buy it " System speak.

" Why! You tell me to get a body , I just ask you to give me a Saiyan body that it or I'm I too demanding for it System " Ryan speak to System.

" That not too demanding request but the real problem is Host doesn't have that much SP. System explain to Ryan.

" Oo... that the reason I thought I am asking to much but I have a question what is SP ? Ryan ask System.

" SP is short form of System Point which also the Currency or exchange point of System " System explain clearly Ryan about it.

" But! I don't have any SP , how will buy it from system " Ryan thought.

About 5-10 minutes Ryan thinking about system he suddenly remembered about his past life that he reads few a system type novels & manga and games after remember it than he tried his to gather all information as much as possible he can .

" System do I get beginner pack " Ryan asked

" Of course! Host do get a beginner's pack as well as bonus gifts " System respond

" Really! That great " Ryan speak with excitement. System open the Beginner Pack as well as Bonus Gifts.

Opening the Beginner Pack and Bonus Gifts...

[ 1.000.000 SP , 100 Senzu Beans & 10 Golden Senzu beans , 1 DNA & Bloodline slot , 1 year training at Hyperbolic Time Chamber ].

[ Absolute Immunity to any kind of Poison, Illusion, Mind Manipulation (Permanent) , 3 chance of Lucky Draw and Beginner Pack 10× ].

" Wow ! I get so many just at the beginning " Ryan speak.

Beginner Pack and Bonus Gifts...

[ 1.000.000 SP , 100 Senzu Beans & 10 Golden Senzu beans , 1 DNA & Bloodline slot , 10 year training at Hyperbolic Time Chamber , Immunity to any kind of Poison, Illusion & Mind Manipulation (Permanent) and Beginner Pack 10× ].

" System! immediately buy a body of a Super Elite Saiyan level with a physical appearents of Rycon as well his physical body abilities and also give me a body of child age 5 " Ryan command to System.

Buying a Saiyan body...

-2.500.000 SP

" System immediately fuse my soul with this Saiyan body, Now " Ryan command to System.

" Okay! it will cost 500.000 It will take 24 hours to complete the process " System speak to Ryan.

" WHATTT ! 24 hours that's too long " Ryan yelled .

" Because it's an important process to join the Host soul with Saiyan body, if want Host want skip the Process time it can be skip with 25.000 SP . Also I forgot inform host will be unconscious at the whole time Process, Host will not awake until the process is complete " System explain to Ryan.

" Well that good to hear that I lost my conscious and fall a sleep the whole process and don't have to wait for it and waste my precious SP " Ryan speak with little happiness that he doesn't have waste his SP.

After then Ryan loss his Unconscious ...

Chapter 3 :-- A Brand New Life

After One day has passed Ryan Soul and the Saiyan body has completely fused, they will never separate from each other with any kinds of methods, the Soul and the Body is completely fused as one. There is absolutely nothing and no one in the the Cultivation World has the power to hurt the soul and separate the soul from the body only System can separate it.

Ryan started to coming his consciousness and slow open his eyes , it afternoon time he slowly Stand up when he see himself he was near the river side . Ryan goes near the river take a bath to relief his triedness . Then he jumped in the river from a near river clip shout ' THEIR I GO ' , Ryan approximately swim in the river for 10-15 minutes. Ryan stop swimming when Ryan see his face in river he feels excited and happy and his body especially his tail he excitedly shout ' YESSS ' .

After finishing bathing ...

" System ! Give a pair of clothes and Capsule House with everything that I needed for my daily life which are foods, water which refill every time when stock had finish and a device which converts the surrounding energy into electricity and intense gravity training room which rise upto to 2.500× time of Planet Vegeta ( 25.000× earth gravity ) .

" It will take about 1.250.000 SP for all things that Host has request " System speak.

" WHATTT! So expensive ,why didn't you rob some banks ? " Ryan yelled thinking that system scaming him .

" Host! There no such thing as free lunch in the world, everything has it's price " System response to Ryan questions.

" Yeah yeah ! Your the great the almighty Dragon Ball System , Can I... can I get a at least discount on shopping " Ryan speak using his sweet words and showing his puppy eyes to system.

" Nope ! no consideration is accepted , Does Host want to buy or not " System replied coldly.

" Damn System ! Yes? I want it " Ryan speak.

Buying a Capsule house and Clothes...

-1.250.000 SP

Then moment Ryan buy from system , suddenly a small capsule appear infront Ryan and a Clothes same as Kid Goku design when he was training with Master Roshi .

Then Ryan wear clothes which provides by the system he walks searching for a good place to settle his house after 20-30 minutes of searching Ryan finally found a place which is near by place in the bottom of the waterfall then Ryan press the button then through the capsule after a *Boom* a house appear it size was about 50x50x20 ( lxbxh ) meter . Then Ryan run towards the house with a big smile on his face after entering the house he immediately search kitchen room, after finding the kitchen room when saw the big fridge. When Ryan open up his jaw drop on the ground he was shock because the foods which inside the fridge was enough feed a group of people for 1 months even a Saiyan Pack. Without thinking he take a chair and Ryan start to eat , he was eating and eating for at least half and hour he eat up food which are more than enough to feed 10 Sumo wrestlers easily.

" Wow ! that great I never had eat food so much in one go in my entire life *bruggg* hahaha , Now I know how much a Saiyan a eat when hungry, No matter how much I consume food it doesn't effect my body health with Saiyan fast metabolism all the food I had eaten rapidly converts into a energy " Ryan speak with wondering Saiyan Consumption and fast metabolism.

After finish eating , Ryan take a quick shower before sleeping . Then turn of light , Ryan afraid it attracts lots of trouble to him ( Who's won't curious about of light that coming from a jungle out of nowhere ) .

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