NovelToon NovelToon


Chapter 1

Mr. Richard Cooper wearing a not so clean Grey shirt, sleeves rolled up to elbow and a loose old fashioned black-colored pants without belt & shoes uttered with mud is standing outside the OT.

he is tensed & a bit happy too.

It can be guessed that maybe he directly came from his work to the hospital.

"Relax Richard! Sister in law will be alright & baby too." Richard's elder brother John stood up from the chair & put hand on his shoulder.

Richard nodded head & sat on a chair with his two kids, the elder one is "Samuel" whose age is 13 years & younger daughter "Olivia" is merely 8 years old.

"Dad, when will mom come out with my little brother??"Olivia asked Richard with innocence on her face & swaying legs on chairs.

"Soon princess".. Richard replied with a smile & patted her head.

(The doctor came out from OT & Richard quickly headed to her)

"Doctor?? How's my wife & baby??" he asked with hope in eyes.

The doctor scanned Richard from head to toe with her eyes then put hands in the blazer's pocket.

"Mr. Richard, your wife is fine." that doctor replied to him with a mask on face.

"And my baby??" He asked immediately.

The doctor removed her mask, "Uhh.. Baby is also fine." she replied with a bitter smile.

(Don't know why but Richard felt a chill in heart)

"Is it a boy or girl??" John asked excitedly..

" Of course, it's a boy.. We did an ultrasound before"

Richard replied proudly in haste before the doctor's reply with a shine in his blue sparkling eyes..

(Lady Doctor shrugged her eyebrows)

"Let the doctor speak Richard", John pat Richard's arm.

The doctor licked her lip & she rubbed her head with her index finger, "IF YOU ARE THIS MUCH CONFIDENT THAT YOU KNOW MORE THAN A DOCTOR, THEN YEAH.. IT.. SHOULD BE A BOY."

Richard & John shrink their eyebrows on the doctor's reply which was full of arrogance.

The doctor replied with rolling eyes & took permission to leave, "excuse me, I'll take my leave now".

"Can i meet them??" Richard asked hastily as if he couldn't restrain himself from meeting his son.

"Okay! You can, after the nurse shifts her to the general ward & she is unconscious too", she again puts a mask on her face.

"Now, if your list of questions is finished, would you please give me permission to go Sir, I've other important patients too"

(that lady doctor said this line arrogantly as they are wasting her precious time)

"Auhh.. S-sure.. Thank you doctor"

(Richard hesitated a bit and stepped aside)

"This doctor is so arrogant", John said with furrow brows while glaring at her back.

Richard took a deep breath & said with sadness in voice, "THEN WHAT KIND OF TREATMENT YOU EXPECT FROM GOVERNMENT PUBLIC HOSPITALS?"

"hmm, you're right, Just go to their private clinics & then you'll see these doctors with honey-sugar coated tongues & in public sectors, these same doctors will speak like they have cactus planted on their tongue". John showed his thoughts with rage on face...



Private & Public sectors

Daddy.. How's Mom??

(Olivia again asked Richard while holding his loose shirt)

"Your Mom is alright princess", Richard said with a smile while holding her in arms.

"When are we going to meet her?? I've to go back, my friends are waiting for me in ground"

(finally Samuel look above at his dad after finishing his game on mobile phone)

"Soon Samuel...Just wait for some time, we will meet your mom & brother".

(Richard replied while kissing Olivia's forehead)


At the same time, In OT, there are 2 nurses & 1 sweeper lady. one nurse, took baby to nursery & the other one was standing near unconscious body of "Jasmine", wife of Richard.

That nurse detached empty bags of blood & infusion from hand of Jasmine very unprofessionally, if Jasmine would be conscious then she must would scream with pain, but as she is unconscious, so nurse is doing everything hastily.

By the way, this is also true that if Jasmine would b conscious then that nurse wouldn't be bothered by her pain too.

"Put clothes on her", She asked the sweeper lady to put clothes on "Jasmine" while washing hands on washbasin.

"Okay sister"

sweeper lady replied while heading to table and grabbed a spare clothe & started to clean Jasmine's body.

"Hey hey, what are you doing??" the nurse interrupt the sweeper with shrink brows & aggressive tone.

"Sister, she had blood & amniotic fluid on her body, i thought before putting clothes, first i should clean her body so that her clothes-

" Oh come on, we don't have enough time for such blandishments".(she interrupted sweeper & snatched that cleaning piece of clothe.

"now stop this formal drama and put clothes on her, & take her out immediately. There's still a long queue of patients waiting for their c-section".She ordered that sweeper while Looking at clock & threw that cleaning cloth in dustbin.

The sweeper took sigh of pity, may be she can feel the situation of Jasmine, but there's no way that she can melt hearts of these arrogant staff.


In nursery, nurse was taking blood sample of baby.

"Is it a boy or a girl sister Rubecca??" neonatal nurse Stella asked while feeding a baby boy holding him in arms.

"Another worthless came to this world to increase load on earth" Rubecca nurse replied with shrug eyes while put bandage on syringe pierce point.

"Don't say like this sister Rubecca, nothing is worthless in this world", Stella put that boy in cart & covered with blanket & replied with soft eyes..

"These kind of kids do nothing but just become burden on their family." Rubecca rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean??" Stella asked with furrow brows??

"Come & put diapers on this baby, you'll get to know then" Rubecca replied with irritated face & left the nursery with baby's blood sample..

Stella took a diaper from drawer & came near baby,

she looked at baby's face, which is bright & white like a full moon, plumpy little dark pinkish lips, light brown hair,

"Aww.. You are so cute" Stella lightly pinch baby's cheek with love.

"hello new little soul, I'm sister Stella, I'll take care of you for 2 days". Stella is talking to this little soul cheerfully & remove the clothes in which baby was rolled.

She gasped with widen eyes..



To be continue


Jasmine is now conscious & her two kids are siting on bed, and her husband are sitting on chair holding baby in arms..

"Brother is so cute mom, what name we should give him?? ". Olivia said with a cute face

"ANDREAS, I'll name my son Andreas", Richard spoke with bright face.

"It's a nice name like him.. He is really cute"

(uncle Jhon picked baby in arms)


(Richard kissed baby's head)

"Come on Bro, grow up early, we both will be super strong Brothers of our area,"

(Samuel stood up from bed & said with a smile)

Everyone was so happy that he came in their lives, then Jhon handed Andreas to Jasmine..

"My Son, my prince, Mom loves you a lot baby."

(kissed baby's forehead)


Some years passed like this. Andreas is Apple of the eye of everyone..

"Andy, where are you, we're getting late."

"I'm coming Olivia shishter(sister)"

So it's Andreas first day of school, Andy is 5 years old now, Andy is his nick name given by Olivia, his family call him by this cute short name, only Richard still calls him Andreas.


Andy started to go to school very happily..he's really a sharp student, he started to learn very fastly.



Andy topped in his class in his nursery section,

Richard and everyone was very happy, they arranged a small party to celebrate Andy's first success in home, & then distributed some food too as small charity..

Two transgenders were passing in front of their house, they also stopped there, and jasmine gave them a box of sweets,

"What is this for sister jasmine??"

Julie named transgender asked with smile on face.

Oh Julie, I'm so happy.. my son topped in his class, it's his first success, so i arranged a small charity..

(jasmine replied happily while standing in door)

(Actually They don't live in high society, they belong to middle class family, they live in a small town.. So everyone knows each other well.)

"Thank you so much, where is that cute boy, we want to congratulate our HERO.. Right Julie??"

(Jimmy said cheerfully while rolling his hair in finger)

"There he is playing with football",

(jasmine pointed finger to a small garden where Andy & his dog "tiger" was playing with football)

"Aww, you are so cute, I'm sure you will be more successful player than Ronaldo."

(Jimmy pinched Andy's cheek cheerfully)

"But sister, i like Messhii (messi) more."

"I also like him, he's very handsome."

(Jimmy is talking cheerfully with Andy)

But Julie remained silent all this time & was looking at Andy..

"Can i have a talk with you sister Jasmine."

(Julie asked with serious tone)

"Okay Julie sure,"

Julie & Jasmine was standing away from Andy then Julie exposed a truth that shocked Jasmine down to core,

"Sister Jasmine, i wanted to say that Andy... Andy is Transgender".



To be continue

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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