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Taekook: When Tae Met Kook

Broken Heart!

"𝑨 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒏𝒐 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒂 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕. . ."
The corridor as usual was swarming with students, the sound of sneakers, opening and closing of lockers and various mundane voices echoing in the enclosed space. A few students were busy keeping their things in their lockers, while others were chatting with their friends. Like every other student, Jeongguk too came to his locker, to keep his materials inside. If not for his professor having an unreasonable dislike towards him for arriving at class merely 2 seconds after he entered, Jeongguk might've got out much earlier and wouldn't have to listen to him lecture him for 20 minutes extra on punctuality and discipline.
Strange, coming from Prof. Choi, who himself broke his record of how much later he can come to class every single day... It's just, he somehow happened to come earlier today and unfortunately, for Gguk, he happened to get late today itself. . .
Jeongguk grumbles to himself as he squeezes himself through the swarm of students walking back and forth around him, blind to their surroundings and people they are bumping or stepping on. Anyway, Jeongguk was used to this daily hustle before and after classes.
Jeon Jeongguk, a sophomore at the Seoul National University in the Department of Communication, pursuing his Bachelor's in Mass Communication and Journalism. Coming to his social circle, he has a decent reputation among his peers (or so he believes); He isn't studious enough to be called a nerd, nor is he tenacious enough to be called a rebel. He falls somewhere in between, one of the quiet ones who listened a lot, observed a lot, analyzed a lot.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jeongguk came off as aloof for most people. He avoided too much drama and kept to himself the majority of time. He was such that he could blend into the crowd and get unnoticed easily. In fact, Jeongguk was kind of glad he could become invisible in people's eyes like that, glad that his appearance didn't catch too much attention either. Although, few people here and there happen to tell him that he's cute. Cute and vulnerable, who'd probably get exploited for his naivety. . .
But Jeongguk wasn't as naive as they thought he was. He was, after all, an adult. He knew how to differentiate between right and wrong. And although, most people meant it in a mocking manner, trying to imply that he was a wimp... Jeongguk was no wimp. He had ambitions, he had future plans and nothing to brag about, but also a girlfriend.
Park Jihyo, his girlfriend of almost one and a half years. They were in the same department and in the same class. Jeongguk still thinks that the way they became a couple was right out of some sappy Disney love story. But keeping that aside, Jeongguk and Jihyo being a couple was no secret to their class, but at the same time they tried not to publicize their relationship too much, so it still came as a shock to many when they learn the two were together.
At this point, you might think Jeongguk is living the dream-like college life— where one is meant to explore anything and everything they were forbidden to say or do back in high-school. To pursue one's interests and hobbies, giving your suppressed passion some air to breathe, to let your compassionate side bloom and thrive in the Spring of love. . .
That's what every student in college dreams of doing, and also ends up doing sooner or later. . . Jeongguk also wanted to do the same, or at least he wished he would. He wished that he'd be like every other normal student out here. He wished that he too would have a little friend group to hang out with, go for unplanned trips with, enjoy his college life and make tonnes of unforgettable memories with. . . But,
But only if the world was not so hell-bent on proving him that he, in fact, wasn't 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙. And, hence, he didn't 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒 to be treated that way.
Gguk's lips purse into a line when his locker comes into view. It had become a daily routine now, and honestly, Jeongguk was tired of having to go through this everyday. He walks up to his vandalized locker and sighs, dejected. He looks around to spot any similar faces but fails to find any in the bustling corridor. He rolls eyes helplessly and opens it, keeping his things inside before leaving it as it is.
No matter how many times he erases it, those words would still end up in the same place the next day. So, why bother cleaning it again and again when he knows it's of no use? And who knows, if he stops cleaning it, giving the culprit the impression that he isn't bothered by it. Then, they might actually get bored and leave him alone. . .
Even so, the black scribbles & sticky notes littered all over his locker while the others' were spotless clean somehow didn't sit well with him. It made him feel like an outcast. . . Gguk looks at the squiggles warily. The bitter memories of his high-school knocking at the back of his mind.
𝑳𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑹𝑹! ᕕ (ᐛ) ᕗ
As much as Jeongguk hated reading all that, the taunts just read themselves aloud the moment he lay eyes on his locker. Those people weren't just scribbling these words with permanent markers, they were imprinting those with permanent inks in his mind... Something, they just can't paint over to hide and pretend like nothing happened. . .
He honestly didn't expect his teenage life to stick with him to adulthood. For his unpleasant experiences in high-school to have a re-take in his college life with a newer set, new characters, a star-studded cast, an even messed up plot and a big budget.
In high-school, they usually liked terming "bullying" as "messing around with peers", but in college, what the heck was that? They liked to give an excuse that since you're an adult now, you should stand up to yourself and speak up if you're being treated unfairly. And by standing up for oneself and speaking up to unfair treatment, why meant sweeping if under the rug. Everyone wants to stay out of drama– especially when there's a clash between someone with a lot of power and someone powerless.
Life doesn't get better as you grow up, it just gets progressively worse and you just learn to put up with it. . .
Jeongguk too has learnt to put up with it... There's not much of a difference in school and college ; In school, his benches and books were vandalised, here only his lockers were. At least they weren't beating him up—
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Ah! What the–"
Gguk turns around, frowning and sees Joel, the infamous bad-boy of their department walking past him, before stopping on hearing Jeongguk curse. . . Gguk falls silent when Joel glares down at him, his tattooed hands shoved inside his pocket as he towers over the boy.
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
"𝑀𝑤𝑜𝑦𝑎? (sarcastic) Were you about to say something? 𝐴𝑛𝑖-𝑎𝑛𝑖, were you about to curse me, Jeon?"
Joel cocks an eyebrow and Gguk nods as a no, looking down nervously. Joel scoffs, smirking, and pats Gguk's cheeks slowly, as if warning him to not pick a fight with him and leaves.
Lee Joel was the typical, spoilt child coming from a rich household. He was a late admission, claiming to have attended the first year through the distance-learning program and physically joined the course only in the second. But rumors were he'd been rusticated from some college before and later his parents bribed the dean into taking him in and fed everyone a false story. Apart from all that, Lee Joel was a fcking àsshole and a rebel. His parents being active patrons to the college, most professors put up with his rowdy behavior just like Gguk and the other students. . .
It's fair to say nobody wanted to lock horns with him unless they wanted to get suspended or worse, rusticated. And hence, it was Joel's rule in the entire department— either obey him, or face his wrath... But, apparently, it was evident that the boy was solely determined to make Jeongguk's life hell ever since he stepped into the campus. . .
Because, from the very first day of the third semester, when the professor introduced Joel and made him sit behind Jeongguk, he'd made it his personal mission to torture him throughout the next 3 years. . .
It all began from mocking him for his speech condition, to passing rude comments on his appearance and calling him names, to stealing his things and dumping them in the trashcan, to distract him now and then during lectures. Then to asking him for money. Then demanding he bought him and his friend lunch. And when Jeongguk had tolerated enough and rebelled against him. They dragged him to the back of the college gym and disciplined him. . .
That was a month back. And ever since then Jeongguk tries his hardest to not get to his nerves unless he wanted a burst lip and numerous bruises from his minions. So, now and then, whenever they shove him around like rag doll just like sometime before, he just lets them do so.
Jeongguk sighs, when Joel is finally out of sight. He wanted to escape reality so badly at times ; To go read some heavy fantasy book in one corner of the library, and forget about the world. But alas, reality was inevitable. . . and so was the future.
At this point, Gguk is worried if he'll manage to get a job or not with his stutter. He tries to be hopeful and not daydream about the future too early, but his hopes were slowly spiriting away. . .
Gguk finally peels off the sticky notes and crumbles them before throwing it in the bin, he can't waste time with the markers for now on realizing how late he was. Jihyo must be waiting for him with Baekhyun, his best friend, at the canteen. That's where they routinely go after classes. . .
As Gguk jogs through the corridor, he checks his phone. But surprisingly, none of the two had messaged him asking where he was for so long. He doesn't think about it top much and right when he jogs past the open staircase next to the canteen, his peripheral vision spots something and he halts... A familiar giggle comes from that direction and urges him to have a look.
Jeongguk steps closer and closer to the backside of the staircase and spots a familiar hairstyle, then he hears the soft murmur between two people. He gulps anxiously.
"Let's go back, he must be here by now and looking for us."
He says in a hushed whisper that echoed in the closed space.
"Hush, (shushes him) let him look for us.. I'll say I got tired waiting for him and dragged you around to kill time.."
She chuckles gleefully.
"What a naughty girl,"
He smirked, flicking her chin playfully as she scooched closer to his chest and played with his collars. . . Jeongguk couldn't believe his ears. He stepped further to prove himself wrong. But then, the sight broke him... Now, even if he didn't want to, he couldn't help but believe both his ears and eyes.
His mouth went dry as he witnessed the scene: his girlfriend making out with his best friend, his heart breaking to pieces seeing how they giggled in between and kept going, unaware of their surroundings, unaware of a pair of eyes watching them, uncaring of the fact that they might get caught... Pain, betrayal, anger, despair— Jeongguk went through all 5 stages of grief within five fùcking seconds. He was so shocked that he stood there frozen for five fùcking minutes until something snapped inside him.
Gguk stomped towards the two unaware traitors and grabbed Baekhyun by the back of his collar and tore him away from Jihyo. He tightened his grip on Baek's collar as he glared at him with red eyes brimming with tears. . .
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"W-What do you think you're doing?!"
Jeongguk growled lowly, his tone laced with anger and betrayal. He didn't want to break down right now, he wanted to keep the last but of self-respect to himself.Yet, a lonely tear trickled down his cheek as he stared at Baekhyun for answers.
Byun Baekhyun
Byun Baekhyun
"Jeongguk, listen– It's not what it looks like.. I, I swear, I can explain. Let me explain-"
Baekhyun jumped in for the damage control and held Gguk's hands to detach them from his collar. But Jeongguk wasn't having the patience to hear anything right now.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Stop lying, Baek! I saw ev-everything!"
Gguk cries out and yanks him away angrily, next he glances back at his girlfriend who refused to look at him in the eye as she fidgeted with her fingers nervously. . .
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"And, and why are you silent? You don't–don't have anything to say? Anything to explain at least?" (frowns)
Byun Baekhyun
Byun Baekhyun
"Ggukie, calm down—"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"The heck am I supposed to, to calm down? You, you expect me to calm down after you're doing this to 𝑚𝑦 girlfriend?"
Byun Baekhyun
Byun Baekhyun
"Aish- Jeongguk, Ggukie.. Me and Jihyo are nothing, we were just messing around– I swear it's nothing serious—"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(chuckles bitterly) "For God's sake, Baek. You are terrible at lying. 𝑀𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑? You, you couldn't come up with a better excuse?!"
Jeongguk's voice wavered as he spoke. This guy who he had befriended and trusted so much turned out to be a pathological liar... All these days, he'd been lying to him consistently. Every time Baek was nowhere to be found, his girlfriend too would disappear into thin air. Then, after sometime, they'd magically reappear together... Coincidence? Gguk wanted to shove that word up his ex-best friend's àss.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"And why am I blaming you alone? (looks at Jihyo) s–she's equally responsible."
He grins broken-hearted, glancing at Jihyo with disgust.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Staying loyal isn't too hard, you see. But you're such a coward, you–you hid it from me, tch."
Jihyo, who'd been witnessing the melodrama from a while now, rolled her eyes, annoyed as she crossed her hands over her chest. She was sick of listening to Jeongguk whine about loyalty and all that shit. So what if he's loyal to her, he's so boring. . .
In fact, she found Baekhyun much more attractive and interesting than her current "stuttering" boyfriend. Someone who knew how to swoon girls, a boyfriend material who had his own way of words... Yes, once upon a time she must've grown interest in Jeongguk on knowing he's a reader just like her. And from within, she expected him to be the perfect man like they describe in books...
Yes, indeed he was soft. He was a gentleman, and kind and never lay his eyes on anyone except her. He gave her small gifts now and then, took her out on cute dates, wrote her poetries, was pleasant-looking and had a good dressing style. He was a total package of what a girl wanted in her partner. . .
But not what "she" wanted in her partner.
Jihyo was a free bird. She wanted adventure, thrill and a dramatic relationship. She wanted a relationship where other girls envied her. She wanted a book-boyfriend, the ones she read the dark romances about. Those men who had red-flag as their middle name. Not someone like Jeongguk, ugh. In the drama of her life, Jeongguk is the second male lead who's meant to be heartbroken in the end. That's it. End of discussion.
But now that she realises that Jeongguk is sinking her ship instead of sailing it, she finally loses it and draws the line. The one she should've drawn long ago, before she went to Baekhyun. . .
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"Can you stop whining, Jeongguk? Yeah, I cheated on you, so what? What are you gonna do, cry about it? tch, Pathetic."
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"Goodness, I've been waiting to say this for so long, so today's the D-Day, huh? Fine. (claps) Let's get done with this fast. I can't put up with you anymore, not even a single day..."
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝑱𝒊-𝒂𝒉?" (broken)
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"Why? Haha, where do I even begin? No, first you tell me what's so special about you that I should stay with you.. Don't say anything, cause you don't have anything appealing about you, Jeongguk!"
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"You're so annoying! Boring even. You're no fun, and it's irritating at times.. And do you have any idea why I don't like telling people I'm dating you? Cause I don't want them to look down on me! (angrily) I don't want them to point at me and say, look she's dating that wimp, ugh!"
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"I'm utterly sick of it! 𝐼'𝑀 𝑆𝐼𝐶𝐾 𝑂𝐹 𝑌𝑂𝑈!"
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"And 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒? (chuckles) There's nothing to fall in love about you, Jeongguk.. You're just a nuisance I was carrying around for a year. You're an 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒆, jagiya. Accept it."
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"If you— (gulps) if you hated me so much, why didn't you break up with me? Why did you cheat on me?"
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"Aish, (annoying) 𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒕 𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒅𝒂! You know what, even I don't know why I still carried you around. Maybe I was used to watch you follow me around so I didn't care." (shrugs)
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"And besides, (stares at Gguk) nobody wants to be the 𝑏𝑎𝑑 𝑔𝑢𝑦, Jeongguk."
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"So, lets end it here. Enough of this pretence of loving you. Forget loving, even liking you is far-fetched.. I don't even want to be see next to you, tch." (says with disgust)
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"You. Stammering. Fool." (pokes Kook's chest at each word)
She says every word, poking on Gguk's chest who stands dejected before her in disbelief.
Park Jihyo
Park Jihyo
"Baekhyun is much better, and I don't feel anything for cheating on you cause this had to happen one day. In fact, be glad that I dated you.. At least you can brag around saying that you used to date me. Otherwise, I highly doubt anyone would ever take interest in you.."
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"w-wow, just.. wow!" (chuckles sadly)
Jeongguk didn't know how to react right now. He feels stupid after hearing her words... It baffled him how easily she could say all that as if all these months they dated meant nothing to her. All those hand-holds, the late night deep conversations, the sweet kisses they shared, the promises they made. The empty 'I love you'-s she said. . . It took 5 fùcking minutes for her to make them all sound worthless. Make Jeongguk feel like a pushover.
And she tells him to be 𝑔𝑙𝑎𝑑 for dating him? What is there to be glad about? She didn't do him a favor by dating him, did she? She didn't save his life or something, and even if she didn't date him he couldn't have cared any less. Jeongguk was never desperate to be in a relationship in the first place... It's just they clicked somehow once upon a time, and they happened to like each other's company.
But now, she claims to have pitied him by dating him— Jeongguk wanted to laugh. He wanted to laugh at himself for not seeing through their game of playing house right under his nose. . .
Gguk really feels utterly stupid. He just never expected them to be so twisted from within, so malicious and ignorant to people's feelings... All Jeongguk ever did was love her, but all she gave him were insecurities and now, this humiliation. . .
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(shaky voice) "A-Ahh, so you just pitied me."
Jeongguk nodded slowly then scoffed.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Well, g-guess what? huh, I don't even care. (grins) Go to hell with your, your 𝑏𝑜𝑦𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑.. and don't 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 s-show me your pathetic faces again."
Although, he put on a tough mask, saying that it didn't bother him one bit that she cheated on him with his best friend. It in fact, bothered him a lot... But he won't let them have the pleasure of knowing that. He won't let them see what they want to see— him falling apart. . .
Jeongguk proceeded to storm away from there, but as soon as he turns around, Baekhyun grabs his elbow and stops him. Jihyo only rolls her eyes, clicking her tongue in annoyance as Baek tries to make peace.
Byun Baekhyun
Byun Baekhyun
"Jeongguk-ah, let it be. It's just a kiss, not like we slept with each other or something. Stop overreacting over such trivial things.. Tell me, who sticks to the same person in our age? We're meant to explore—"
The latter scoffs, taking his hard away from Baek's grip rashly as he glares at him coldly.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Can you get a-any worse? You just spelled out how, how much of an àsshole you are.."
Byun Baekhyun
Byun Baekhyun
(frowns) "You can't just break off our friendship because of a couple-fight, Jeongguk. Grow up, will ya? You can't survive in this world if you're so sensitive."
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Friendship? 𝑚𝑤𝑜𝑦𝑎 friendship? Friends d-don't kiss each other's girlfriends, buddy."
Jeongguk looks into Baekhyun's eyes deeply, his own pupils laced with hurt and pain as he speaks. . .
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"You made a joke out of-of our friendship, Baek. You broke m-my heart more than she did."
He mutters, broken-hearted and leaves the couple alone while he storms out of the corridor, falling apart and alone again. . .

Bullying 𝅘𝅥𝅮

"𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒂 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒐'𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏"
I walked though the corridors swiftly, my head hung low to not let anyone see my tears. I really tried my best to not appear weak, to become an ideal "boy" in the eyes of everyone- if that would help them to see me differently, like someone like them.. a normal boy..
I gulped continuously to muffle my sobs, but they escaped nevertheless. I hated such times when my own body betrayed me.. It was heart breaking for me to know that Jihyo was just using me for the past two years, just to get to Baekhyun, my own bestfriend!
She made me into a fool who was crazy in love. Maybe the whole concept of love is supposed to be twisted, maybe, someone's first love is meant to be a fairytale.. it only exists in fiction..
I bumped on some students on my way who threw a few curses at me and then ignored. I was never seen as a fellow classmate by any of my acquaintances.. I was termed as the 'freak' of my batch..
I was just about to get out of the main entrance, and finally get somewhere where I could be alone and cry out my tears in solitude, but I guess this already bad day of mine will get  even worse. As I wasn't looking where I was going, I bumped into another guy.. and my body stiffened when I heard his voice..
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
Oh look who we have here! You seem in a hurry Jeon, need any help?!
Joel said in his usual deep voice with sadism dripping from his words. Jungkook gulped, as fear creeper up to him.. He nodded sideways as a no..
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
But I guess you need some help buddy. Look at you getting all worked up!
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
Me and my friends would be more than glad to help you out.. (smirks and grabs Kook by his shoulder)
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
Come with us Jeon, let's have some fun, shall we..? come on boys!
Joel grabs Kook by his shoulders and dragged the poor whimpering boy with his gang. His other minions smirked following Joel and reached the back of the campus which hardly had any students..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Ack! Unggg!
Kook groaned as he fell on his knees holding onto his stomach and laid on the hard ground wincing in pain. Kai, one of Joel's sworn buddies had just kicked the poor boy on his stomach and grinned as he fell..
Kim Jongin (Kai)
Kim Jongin (Kai)
Tch! So lame, look how weak he is! Tsk! Pathetic.
Kai landed another kick on Jungkook's stomach. The boy whimpered hugging his knees and squinting his eyes at the pain. That was his fault, he was weak, he couldn't take a stand for himself, he was scared, he was a coward.. he was a FREAK!
That's what he was called everywhere and that's what now his identity. He wriggled in the dust a little more as Joel continued to stare at him lazily while leaning against one of the metal bars..
He had a cigar in his hands, but he wasn't interested in smoking at the moment, watching the boy suffer was much more amusing to him. A few of his other friends present there were also smoking while looking at the boy getting beaten up by Kai..
One of the boys got up. Joel glanced at him but continued to stare down at the whimpering boy as Kai was slowly pressing on Kook's leg, making him hiss. The other boy, Xiumin, grabbed Kai by his shoulder, pushing him to the side and squatted in front of Kook's face.
Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
Stop crying *****, you're a guy, man up!
Xiumin said darkly while Kook slowly nodded but a sob still left his lips. Kook thought they were done with him for the day, but his poor delusional heart was only meant to be broken.
Jungkook sat up with the support of his hands but he was immediately slammed down again by his head. It was none other than Xiumin, who took a puff and exhaled the smoke at the whimpering Kook's face who coughed.
Kook was happy that his head landed on his own hand, or maybe he would have gotten hurt pretty badly. Tears again brimmed his eyes.. His hand stinged in pain. Some of the them smirked, while others just didn't give a fck..
Xiumin grabbed Kook's cheeks, making his lips form a pout and stared at him darkly before taking a long puff. He then spoke..
Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
Open your mouth wide, aa..
Kook trembled in fear, but the latter's grip on his cheeks only tightened so he obeyed. He opened his mouth, his lips quivering thinking about what was going to happen to him now..
Xiumin held his jaw tightly and was about to shove the burning part of his cigar inside the boy's cheeks.. Kook closed his eyes shut, being terrified about the following pain.
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
Lee Joel (이 조엘)
I guess that's enough for today , let go of that wimp now, we are getting late for practice..
Joel informed as Xiumin looked at him and let go of Kook's mouth, standing up. He dropped the cigar in front of Kook's face and smashed it with his foot right in front of him. Kook gulped in relief when the other boys left..
He slowly got up and stood limply with the support of the wall.. His leg was paining and his hands and jaw had light bruises. He sucked a sharp breath before walking out and going out of the college campus.
Whenever he's alone, the same thing happens. Today Baek wasn't here with him, nor was Yoongi, and that's why his bullies had their sweet time playing with him.
Kook reached his apartment.. He lives alone, and even though he should be staying at his family villa, he stays here..
His parents own a multinational company and stay overseas most part of the year. His hyung stays in Britain for his studies as well, making him the only person apart from the maids and butlers to stay in the villa. So, Kook decided to move away.
Whenever he hears from his parents that they are returning, he goes to the villa and stays there till they yet again leave him alone to stay here. Kook was lonely and lovesick to say the least..
He took the house key under the doormat and twisted open the door, getting inside. His body seemed to be breaking down after all the beatings, and he felt like puking after those hard kicks in his stomach..
He reached his room and closed the door hanging his bag on one of the stands and went upto his bed.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Ah! (Holds onto his stomach and winces in pain) I Don't want to stay like this, it hurts.. it hurts so bad.. (grabs his phone)
Jungkook surfed through his contacts and came to Yoongi's no. He wanted to have a conversation with him.. he wanted to cry his eyes out and tell him what happened in college today.. If things didn't go haywire between him and Baek then the latter would have soothed him instead.. but now, Kook only had Yoongi as an option..
Just before he dialled his no. Kook remembered, Yoongi had informed him about his recital in Japan today.. Which meant, even if he called him now, he would be busy or his mother would receive the call..
Kook sighed disheartened and kept away his phone before his sight fell on the small Bluetooth speaker..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Maybe, this could be my only distraction now..
Kook mumbled and connected his phone to the speaker before tapping on his blues playlist and the soft music began to play..
Not support
Kook closed his eyes, feeling them get teary again. Sad music soothed him miraculously. He stood up and began to undress himself from the dust laden clothes.. He snapped open his belt, letting it hang around his waist. He then pulled off his shirt and it stayed between his hands, till he heard his bathroom door open..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
*Who came to the house?! A thief?! But I remember closing the door and other windows, then how?!*
Kook didn't dare look behind till he heard soft footsteps. He gulped and looked back with his top n@ked, and what he saw just left him speechless..
An ethereal man was standing wearing a white wedding suit. His hairs dishevelled and falling over his eyes, a perfectly sculpted masculine body.. and damn, that face, it almost seemed as if God had given extra effort in making him..
Their eyes met briefly and the moment the latter blinked Kook snapped back into reality and shrieked, taking a few backward steps and fell on the bed with fear laced eyes..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
W- who are yo- you!? And what ar enough d- doing in  mu- m- my house?!
Kook stuttered being scared.. His bodyframe shrinking a bit in fear and his throat went dry.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Are you a-a t-thief?! I d-don't have anything v- valuable.. with m- me! Please.. do- don- don't do anything to m- me!
He mumbled becoming even more scared when he saw the other man walking towards him. He knelt down before the scared boy and slowly made a calming down gesture with his 'oh so long' hands.. He spoke out in a soft, calm voice and Kook swore, he had never heard such a velvety deep voice..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Calm down, I won't do anything to you.. relax.. shh.. calm down, I mean no harm kid..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
W-who are y-you?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Jin is your cousin right?
Jungkook nodded slowly still afraid of being with a complete stranger in his house, alone!
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I'm Taehyung, Jin's boyfriend.. And trust me, I won't eat you.. (boxy smile)


"𝑰𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒐𝒖𝒕.. 𝑨𝒉, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔?"
Jungkook gulped again and then reality hit him that he was top n@ked. He immediately rewore the shirt that was stuck between his hands till he heard the other man in effectively suppressing his gurgling laughter..
Kook felt weird.. This man who he just met was a complete stranger, yet he was able to make such an impression on Kook that made him feel at ease.
This man was definitely different, and deep down Kook wished that he wouldn't change his attitude towards him after knowing about his stuttering..
Tae got up and sat beside Kook.. The younger's eyes followed his every move, he was like a walking god.. Everything was intriguing Kook more and more. He wanted to ask so many things, but at the same time he didn't want to make a fool out of himself again..
The man loosened his first two buttons of the silk white shirt he was wearing and spoke up in an apologetic tone..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
We are sorry to crash at your place like thieves, but we had no other choice.. Jin will be back in a while..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Um.. Can I ask oh-oh-one thing?
Kook immediately bit onto his lips, his stuttering tongue had once again shamelessly betrayed him. He looked elsewhere, fidgeting with his fingers till the other male spoke in his deep voice..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Yes sure, go on..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I don't want toh-toh- to sound rude, but, why did you guys crash at my place oh-oh- only?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
It was a rash decision actually, I eloped with Jinnie from my wedding and he booked the earliest flight and we ended uo here in Seoul. And then he suggested we crash at your apartment since you stay alone..
Kook listened patiently as Tae explained. More than the explanation he was busy staring at his lips that moved, the little mole at his bottom lip, the way he looked around while narrating the tale, in easy words, Kook was awestruck.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
So, I hope you won't mind us staying here for a few days, will you, Jungkook?
Kook nodded confusedly, the earlier part hardly registered in his mind but he didn't want to make this handsome man realise that he wasn't paying attention.
Tae then looked at Kook intently, as if trying to read his expression, but then the sound of the main door opening was heard and both their ears perked up..
Kook noticed the wide smile that creapt up Tae's face as he got up and then looked at Kook and spoke in a more cheerful voice..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Jin must be back, come on, he'll explain everything..
Kook nodded half heartedly and got up as well. Taekook came out of Jungkook's room and came into the hall. Apparently, Jin was gone to the supermarket to but a few essentials for themselves, because Taejin had no idea how long they would be staying at Jungkook's..
Jin kept the few polythene bags occupying his hands on the table and before he could look straight, a pair of arms hugged him and kissed him on his cheek. Jin chuckled, briefly kissing the other male on his lips while Jungkook watched them from the corner of the room.
After a little while of more love filled moments, Jin's attention finally diverted to the boy who stood silently at the corner. Jin smiled warmly at him and detached himself from Tae, walking towards the boy and hugged him too..
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
How are you Jungkook-ah? Did you miss hyung?
Kook giggled in his embrace and hummed before he spoke in a teasing tone, Jin was someone who he could be comfortable with. He didn't judge him because of his stuttering, one of the characteristics of Jin that he usually liked..
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I missed you, but I missed yo-yo-your food more ne..
Kook said with a pout. Jin pinched his nose, cooing at the boy who still was paining on his stomach and legs, but thought it was rude to not attend the guests.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Make yo-yourselves at home hyung, I will come in a while..
Kook excused himself and returned back to his room, not forgetting to close his door, to avoid anymore awkward moments. He freshened up and had some painkillers before he slipped into one of his loose tees that covered upto his nape.
He once again remembered the encounter with Taehyung a while ago, his face rose before his eyes so vividly that he himself was surprised that he had noticed Tae in so much detail..
His almost eyes, his lips, and then his deep voice ricocheted, I'm his boyfriend. Jungkook immediately nodded sideways, trying hard to not let himself get drowned by his thoughts again.
A while later, Jungkook came out of his room and joined Jin at the hall. Well, the latter was in the kitchen actually and Jungkook could smell the tongue watering aroma of the home made food he had missed dearly.
The smell itself seemed to have increased his rather negligible hunger a few folds and he couldn't help but reach the kitchen to see what magic Jin was doing with the food..
Jinkook shared a few random talks, he purposely avoided the eloping part, because if he started, they ge would spoil the food otherwise as Jin had a really bad habit of getting carried away while speaking.
Another 10 minutes later, the three men were now seated on the table, many tongue watering dishes displayed beautifully. He glanced over at Taehyung,  who had by then changed into so casual wear and still looked as godly as before that Kook couldn't tear his eyes off him..
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
Meet Jeon Jungkook, my little cousin and the most adorable being you'll find in our entire dynasty..
Jin introduced Jungkook to Tae. The elder smiled at the boy with fond eyes, not letting Jin know that they had already met in a far less formal setting.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Nice to meet you, Jungkook..
Tae stretched his hand. Only Kook was aware of how much he was quaking in his shoes as he shook the latter's long-fingered hand.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Same here..
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
How is college going Kookie?
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Fine I guess..
Only Kook knew how much he was lying through his teeth and maintained that amazing facade. Out of all things, he didn't want to disclose the fact that he gets bullied almost every single day, in fear that he would get criticised for not fighting back..
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
Got any girlfriend, little one?
Jin asked teasingly, shoving a little large amount of rice and kimchi in his mouth, which he was quite used to as Jin was a foodie.
Kook's face hung low, remembering of today's unfortunate events while he fidgeted with his own food not looking anywhere else.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
We broke up, to-to-today..
Kook said in a whispering voice receiving a gentle pat from his hyung beside him..
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
It happens, try coping up with it ne, you'll find someone better.. everything happens for a reason, little one..
Kook nodded in agreement and they continued their meal. Then the deep voice spoke up from the person who sat beside Jin.. (Taejin and Kook were sitting opposite to eachother)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I think we should discuss that matter that has brought us here..
Tae looked at Jin and then at Kook, and again his eyes trailed to Jin who sighed and kept his chopsticks aside, as a sign that he would spill the beans now.
As Jin began with their love tale, Jungkook came to know that Kim Taehyung studied with Jin at the SNU. Tae belonged to a handsomely rich business family, and had kept his affair with Jin a secret from them.
But then, one day, out of nowhere, a marriage proposal landed at the Kim household like an atom bomb and shook Taejin's ground beneath their feet. The said proposal was from a decades old, trusted business partner of the Kims. The matter was promptly escalated to the elders who believed in only one diktat: "Marriage not only deepens family relations, but also manoeuvres a business to success"
Taehyung had no say in the heavy investment of his family towards his future. What worried him was how he should deal with his liability: his weakness, his boyfriend Seojin. And whether, he would be able to bear the burden of this responsibility or not. . .
To Be Continued..
Kate (Author)
Kate (Author)
Sorry if I delay with the updates, I ain't being lazy, this storyline of mine is very delicate and i want to portray everything to my satisfaction.. so that I won't have regrets like my previous stories. Borahae💜

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