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He's My Jeon Jungkook

Prologue and episode 1

**Jungkook was being "bullied" by his crush Taehyung...well to Jungkook it was "bullying" while Taehyung was a huge teaser and only using Jungkook for his needs...

Taehyung just hated 2 things

1: Jungkook disobeying him

If Jungkook ever disobeyed him he would have to face the consequences by a dirty "punishment"

2:if someone else Bully's Jungkook

If someone else Bully's Jungkook for real like the real bullying he would not like that either...

Jeon Jungkook an innocent boy who loves to help others and is really kind

Kim Taehyung a perverted "bully" of only Jungkook , who f***s him whenever he wants...

What will happen when to the both of them?

Let's find out together!

(Note:-don't ask me why Jungkook is still innocent even tho Taehyung f***s him whenever he wants)

(Another note:-this is maybe a 16+ FF , watch at your own risk)

author:- this is my first Novel so I hope you all will enjoy it and support me...

Episode 1

Jungkook went to his school a little worried about himself cause he didn't wanna face Taehyung again...

Jungkook reached the university and then he saw his friends

"Good morning everyone!"-Jungkook

"good morning Kook"- J-hope

"how's your day till now?" Suga asked

"till now it's good but I really don't wanna face Taehyung...he always Bully's me"Jungkook replied

"But don't you have a crush on him?" said Felix(I know felix is from Stray kids but I wanna add him for some fun)

"I do but he Bully's me so it's sure he doesn't likes me"Jungkook replied lowering his head

"But... Don't you think he is more likely using you for his needs...and I think we all can agree he is a pervert" Hoseok said

"I mean he f***s you whenever he wants so...I am not sure if we can saw that it's Bullying"Suga mentioned

"well I don't know myself and I don't wanna know-" Jungkook was cut of when someone tapped his shoulder making him flinch Jungkook turned around and saw none other than Taehyung his "bully"

"Good morning baby~" - Taehyung

"I told you not to call me that...!"- Jungkook said while blushing slightly

"so now I will follow your orders? your dreams baby" Taehyung replied smirking

"ugh! I hate him but I also love him god save me!" Jungkook thought

"what do you want anyways?"Jungkook asked

"I need you baby" Taehyung replied still smirking

"why the heck are we even here" the three(Felix , Suga and J-hope) mumbled to each other

"leave me alone Taehyung" Jungkook said being a bit annoyed

"seems like your friends need some time alone so let's go somewhere else"- Taehyung got cut off with the voice of the bell and Jungkook felt relieved

"Later Master Taehyung!" Jungkook said while backing a bit and then walking to his class

"Did he just call Taehyung...Master?" Suga asked the both

"I think he did..." Felix replied**

Episode 2

"Master huh?" Taehyung thought to himself

"seems like you are following my orders now baby boy" Taehyung thought while walking to his class

At lunch break

"I have a question Jungkook"- Suga

"what is it Hyung?"- Jungkook asked with a confused look

"did you just call Taehyung Master"?- Suga

Jungkook choked on his food and Felix gave him a glass of water

"sorry Hyung I just got used to it...he ordered me to call him that otherwise you know what will happen..." Jungkook said after drinking the water

"used to it?!" J-hope thought

"o-okay I guess" Felix said

"he didn't do anything today right?" J-hope asked

"no he didn't do anything to me today since

the bell rang and we had to go to our classes" Jungkook replied

"hm okay" J-hope said

they all started having a chat without adding Taehyung in it... Meanwhile with Taehyung

"If I am not wrong... your planning to do "that" to Jungkook again?"-Jackson(I know Jackson is from GOT7 but I ship him with someone and he is really funny)

"yes his moans are just too seductive to not hear every week" Taehyung said casually

"do you really have to use him for that Taehyung?" Asked Jin

"what's wrong with that?"said Taehyung

"i think Jin means he's just too innocent for these things..." replied Namjoon

"I don't think there's anything much wrong with it"Taehyung said casually again

Jimin took a deep sigh and finally spoke

"I wanna confess something..."Jimin said

"what is it?"Taehyung

"I have feelings for some one" Jimin said while blushing

Jackson's heart broke into pieces hearing that

"I have to go to the washroom you guys continue" Jackson said while standing up from his chair and leaving

"what's wrong with him?" Jin thought

"anyways you were saying Jimin?" Namjoon

"I like Jackson guys..." Jimin said while hiding his face with his tiny hands

Everyone didn't seem to be surprised at all

"you want me to be surprised?" Taehyung asked Jimin

"yo-you guys... already knew?"Jimin said

"b!tch do you think we are f***ing blind or something that we didn't notice you blushing when Jackson said those cheesy lines to you?"Jin said

"I told you not to curse baby" Namjoon said to Jin

"sorry" Jin said

"Ugh why did I even confess something like this to you guys?" Jimin said

"ask yourself"Taehyung said

"now go Comfort your Jackson he's probably crying in the washroom" Taehyung said

"Why?!"Jimin asked while looking worried

"you think he doesn't like you? hearing you like someone probably broke his heart cause he probably thought it wasn't him" Taehyung replied

"oh my god sorry guys I have to go!" Jimin said while leaving

"how did you know?!"Jin and Namjoon asked at the same time

Taehyung gave them a 😶 look

"do you think I have 0 experience in love?" Taehyung said

"I mean yeah since all I know is you like to f**k Jungkook and just wanna tease him all the time" Jin said

"yeah whatever I am also a human and Jackson is my cousin I know him very well"

Taehyung replied

End of episode 2 hope you guys enjoyed

호모가 아니라 모두 사랑해(translation:- Love you all no homo)

Episode 3

But now I have a class with Taehyung" said Jungkook

This time felix chocked on his food and Suga gave him water

"When did your schedule change?"Asked J-hope

"I don't know yesterday the principal called me and gave me a new schedule"Jungkook answered

"Dude... your dommed 🙂"Felix said

"You don't have any other classes with him do you?"Asked Suga

"Actually...everyday I will have one or two classes with him"Jungkook said lowering his head

"I-"J-hope was cut off when the bell rang again that means that the lunch break is over and they have to go to their classes in 5 mins , Jungkook sighed

"Guess I have to go now guys"Jungkook said getting up from his chair

"Okay Jungkook take care"Felix said

Jungkook smiled and went to his class

"Good morning students"Teacher said while getting inside the class

"Good morning sir"the students greeted

"Okay so today we are going to-"Teacher was cut off when he saw Taehyung coming inside the class making him surprised

"Well how did Mr.Taehyung decided to join my class today?"Teacher said raising his one eyebrow

Taehyung rolled his eyes and sat down beside Jungkook ignoring the teacher completely

"Taehyung that's not the manner this university Teached you!"the teacher shouted

"Do your work or do you wanna get fired?!"Taehyung shouted back making the teacher gulp

"F-forget it let's start the class"Teacher said glaring Taehyung for once and then he started teaching

Yes , you guessed it right Taehyung's dad is the principal

"hey Baby~"Taehyung said staring at Jungkook who was writing

"what do you want now?" Jungkook said looking trustfrated😂

"I want you tonight"Taehyung said as he smirked looking into Jungkook's eyes , Jungkook quickly broke the eye contact

"y-you..."Jungkook said lowering his head

"yes baby boy your right that's what I want~"Taehyung said winking at Jungkook

Jungkook was a blushing mess and he lowered his head even more but he was a bit sad too cause even tho he loved him he wanted do "it" with him when he also agreed

"i-i don't want to do anything with you anymore"Jungkook said looking at Taehyung

"you can't say no to me baby boy~"Taehyung said while looking at the board and then they didn't talk at all

After school

Jungkook's friend bid there goodbye's and Jungkook was about to go when someone's car stopped in front of him and Jungkook clearly knew who it was

"Taehyung I told you I don't want to"- Jungkook was cut of when Taehyung held his wrist pulling him inside the car and locking the car

"and like I said you can't say no to me"Taehyung said as he smirked

"I wanna reach my mansion in 10 Minutes"Taehyung said to the driver and he nodded

"leave me Taehyung...!we aren't even something that you do such things to with me!"Jungkook said

"well I get everything I want...and I only wanna have fun with you until I am in a relationship or anything like that with anyone"Taehyung said looking at Jungkook

"so until I am not in a relationship Your mine Jeon Jungkook "

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