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What Should I Name This Love ?

" Marry him please "

In the room ,in which mia was getting ready for her wedding with Suho while Suzy trying to get familiar with video recorder. suddenly mia started crying 😭.
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
what happened mia ?? why are suddenly crying ?
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
sorry Suzy ! but I can't marry him ! (crying 😭)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
but whyy ?? you loves him and he loves you . then what's the problem now ?? (what is going on now )
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
that's not the case ,but ... but .Suzy !! don't tell anyone about this please !!! ..
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
okay tell me ! I'll not let anything know about it ..even suho .. okayyy !!
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
the thing is ..... he bullies me like hell ... 😭😭.. one day he slaps me because ...because i didn't arrive on time .. and that's why he got so much angry....😭😭Once he held my head and hit me on the wall 😭😭.... I'm telling the truth. That's why I want you to help me please take my place and marry him .....
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
(shocked 😳 )...but I can't marry him Mia. he loves you only and this is against my will... please understand !!!
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
please do this for me 🥺 .. you are my best friend and friends help each other when they are in danger .. 😭😭.. please...Swear on me ...
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
please don't do this 🥺 .. (But why me mia ? Do you want me to go to that hell like you )
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
please help me. for god's sake . 😭😭... If you don't do this... then...... I will kill myself right now...!!!! (Angry voice )
Mia picks up a hair pin and puts it on her neck .
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
please don't do this .. I'll... I'll marry him ... (gets scared )
Leaving the hair pin and hugs Suzy tightly 😭
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
thank you Suzy .. thank you so much (suddenly the mood changes , how naive you are suzy 😏..I didn't know it was so easy to convince you )
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
(still in deep thought, smiles with tear in her eyes )
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Suzy crying 👆
Mia gets Suzy ready and leaves from there.
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
(bye bye Suzy 😏😏 ).. Suzy .. thank you so much ... I love you ..😢😢. (fake love )
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
don't worry.. I'll be fine 😢😢 (If you were my friend, you wouldn't do this to me. ) .bye mia . don't worry about me !
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
bye 😭 ..take care .. ....(game over)
Mia leaves from there and Suzy is alone in the room.
think she's in a wedding dress 👗 👆👆👆
sitting alone and thinking about Suho .
👇Suzy 's POV
Will he love me after this. He doesn't even know that he is going to marry the one he doesn't even love . Will he harass me like her? I am very scared .oh god 🙏 . please save me
After some time Suzy trying to escape from the hall ....... but suddenly random person :- let's go to the wedding hall mia .
Suzy 👆👆
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
(oh my god !! how beautiful she is look in wedding dress .but I can't see her face .no problem after this wedding you'll be mine forever !! 😉)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
(please don't look at me 😢)
suppose her face is covered
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
(why doesn't she look at me )
after some time !! father :- Please exchange the rings . Suzy and suho exchanged there rings and everyone is clapping ..
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
I'm so happy (whispers in her ear)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
(blush 😳 please don't come near me ,heartbeat fasts )
father:- now you may kiss the bride !
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
😳 (No , ... .he will find out that i'm not mia )
Just then Suzy gives her his hand so that he can kiss her.
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
(Why is she giving me her hand🤨🤨.. . Now I can't even kiss her😏 , is she playing any joke with me? ..come closer and whispers ). ....hey ! Baby .. are you feeling shy 😌..
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
(blushes , heartbeat fasts . why is he coming closer to me )
Then he takes off her face cover and sees her
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
( shocked , angry 😠😠 what is she doing here)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
( I'm exposed , ......mia ! Why did you do this to me !!? 😢 )
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
( watching her with angry eyes )
father :- you may kiss now boy ! . everyone is whispering "Why aren't they kissing?" and suddenly suho pulled her and brings her closer .
he started kissing her with great anger .
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
*daamnn it .. released*
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
*breathing 😫*
everyone starting clapping and congratulating them
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
(whispers) You know well with whom you have played the game and I am a bigger player than you. Got it !!
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
(tears in her eyes 😭)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
now shut the f**k off to your room !!
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
( why he hates me so much... tears falling !!)
suho left from the wedding hall to meet the VIP guests and Suzy goes to her room silently !!
End of the Scene
thank you guys for reading . I'll update more episodes soon .!!
please support me and subscribe my story 🙏🙏


Suho 👇
age:-27 .job :- current duty on abc University as a secret agent . he's cold and an officer who works secretly for his country and his identity is also a secret for others. He loves Mia very much , treat her very well because he want to marry her ... ... but but ... he hates Suzy very much because Mia told him very wrong about her like that she is jealous of Mia and tries to throw strings on Suho so he misunderstood suzy and that's why he started hating her because he thought she's shameless and playing dirty tricks..
Suzy 👆👆
age :-24 studying:- preparing for Motivational Speaker .in abc University. . Suzy is a very sweet girl who cannot see others in pain and ready to help others anytime . She puts those first whom she loves more than her . Suzy's parents passed away in childhood and she has been alone since then. Suzy is a intelligent and hardworking girl .Suzy likes Suho very much because she also want to treat someone to treat like the way suho takes care of Mia which made her feel alone . but she is very loyal friend and cannot see herself in Mia's place because she don't want betray her friend.
Mia 👆👆
age :- 25 studying:- French Language course .in abc University. Miya is a very smart girl with evil thoughts and she is very famous in her campus . she has caught Suho in the trap of her love because he was very popular since he came in her campus and feel attractive towards Suzy . on the top Miya did not want to marry him because she doesn't like him and almost fed up with him. she trapped Suzy in her evil planning and ruined Suzy and Suho's life .
this my first story... . I hope you guys like my plot ... . please support and subscribe like comments and give your love to this story ..🙏🙏

after all She is your Wife

At night in the car
huge silent
Suzy was very upset and sad . she kept quiet the whole way
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
( Then he looks back and sees Suzy )
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
(calling his assistant)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Hey...! ....I am sending you photo. find out where is this girl (cold voice) ..
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Yes sir ( cold voice) .
suho looks at suzy
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
where is mia? (cold voice)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
.iii.... don't... know ... (scared)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
oh really ?? (suddenly laughing ) . shut the f**k off and tell me where is mia !! ..
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
(get scared and tear come in her eyes ) .. ii.,. really . don't know... please.. believe me...
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
youuuu....(approaching her but suddenly ) (phone rings )
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Sir ! ...I have found out . . she's in A Hospital ...
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
hospital???...(scared) why she is in hospital ??
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Kevin (ML Assistant)
sir according to her report ... she was drugged and had to be admitted to the hospital...
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
daamnn it !..
cut the call
Then the car stops outside the home .
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
get out. (cold voice) .
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
I said get... (suddenly)
Suzy sleeping like an angel 👆
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
daamnn ....( How can she sleep this time?) .
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Just then Suho blows the car horn very loudly
Suzy gets up !!
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
( aahh head hurts)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
( looking at her 😒 )
suho face👆
Suzy face 👆
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
get out from my car...😠😠 (shouts)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
you ar..aree not coming ?? ( afraid)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
( glares )
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
gets off the car and goes inside to the home .
Maid takes the stuff from her hand and takes it to her room .
mam ! this is your room . you can stay here for the rest of your life (cold just like a robot )
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
( what is she saying ) thank you very much .you may go now .
( left )
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
so i'm gonna spend my life here .(sad voice )
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
I'm so tired 🥱
she falls asleep on bed .
Suzy sleeping 👆
" At hospital "
suho quickly goes to Mia's ward .
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Sir !! (salute )
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
good work !! you may go !
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Mia .. I'm here ..
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
( wakes up )
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
suhoo ( low voice )
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Mia ( sweet voice)
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
(crying)😭 . my marriage is ruined life is end now ..I wanna die ..
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
don't say such words.. don't be sad ... I'm here with you now ..( I hate her so such angry).. Mia .tell me the truth... did she do this to you ... tell me fast !!!!
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
( crying 😭) yess .. but don't treat her badly . after all she your wife and also my best friend .. i can't see her sad ...
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Even now you are thinking of Suzy... .. that selfish girl ....!!! (angry 😠)
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
Don't be angry (🥺 faking ) . be happy with her .
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
no way ! .. I going to divorce her and then we are going to marry ..... okay ! ( sweet voice) .
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
( sh*t this man . What do I do now ) No ! . I know you'll be shocked after this but Suzy loves you very much !! . she will make you happy .. now go to her ..I'm going to rest now ...
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
( confused 🤨) . okay !! go to sleep now ...I'm going . (her behaviour was weird ....why is she resisting me so much to go to her.)
suho left
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
uufff finally !! .. he drive me crazy .🥵 ..
then the call comes
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
hi baby ! 🥰
hey my girl .. where are you ?
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
I'm at hospital 🥺
whattt ?? .but .whyy ...
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
you come then I'll tell 😏.
ok I'm coming... in which hospital you are ?? .
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
A hospital ...come fast baby ..I'm waiting ..
Yes I'm coming... right now !! ..
end of the scene
scene at car
suho 👆
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
( so she loves me 😏) now the game is begin my dear wife 😠 ( cold voice ) ..
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Now you will not escape from my clutches ... wait and watch ..I'll make your life hell ..😤😤
end of the scene
suho arrived home
He goes to his room and changes clothes .
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
where is she ? ( cold)
she's in that room where you said to keep .
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
okay .. have she eaten ???
no sir !
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
okay may go now !
enters the room. and sees her
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
(How shameless she is 😤😤. How can she sleep comfortably at this time . ) .
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Bae Suzy ( FL)
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
BEAUTIFUL !!!😍 ( wait .. what did I say ) 😐..ohh god this girl driving me crazy ...!!! ..
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
I'll leave you today..sleep as much as you want today. 😏😏
closes the door and left
At hospital
Hey baby ( hugs ) .I'm so scared .. what happened to are looking so weak ..
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
( shy , whispers in his ear )
really ?? ..I'm going to be a father ..oh God I can't believe ..
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
but we're not married yet 😐.
that's okay .. we'll married tomorrow . Happy 😚..
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
okayyy husband .. I'm very very happy .... 🥰🥰
oh god you are so beautiful my Love 😍..
Mia ( FL
Mia ( FL's Friend)
(shy) ( Thank God ,he's not like Suho )
they both smiling while looking at each other .
end of the scene
At Suho's Mansion
suho thinking about Suzy 👆
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
How did that happen? Did Suzy really drug Mia so that she can marry me? Suzy, how can you do this. are you not ashamed at all while snatching your friend's husband ? how disgusting you are ! 😠😠 (Angry voice)
Phone 📱 rings
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Sir !
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
speak kevin . !!
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Kevin (ML Assistant)
Sir !! .. A boy has just met Mia. I am sending you photo of him .
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
okay !!
call ends
chen 👆👆 mia's bf
Kim Suho ( ML)
Kim Suho ( ML)
who is this now ??? (pissed off) (Mia, what are you trying to do?. )😠
this is the end of the episode !! I hope you guys loved it !thank you
please don't forget to like subscribe tip share comment ,😉😉

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