The Hale Daughter
-episode 1
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
why in forest brother?
Isaac Lahey
because it's quiet it's a full moon and maybe i can practice lacrosse?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
what is that?
Isaac Lahey
a sport you want to try?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
it's hard?
Isaac Lahey
it depends so you want to try?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Isaac Lahey
come on your going to try to catch the ball with this
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
can i put this on your head?
Isaac Lahey
no you can't *laugh*
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
come on i want to beat you at this sport
Isaac Lahey
we're going to see about this
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
hey no werewolf powers
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
what did i say?!
Isaac Lahey
sorry? the full moon fault
Isaac Lahey
hey Scott what are you doing here?
well the full moon i don't want to hurt my mom so i leave
Isaac Lahey
oh yeah i forgot
what are you doing here?
Isaac Lahey
i practice with my sister
Isaac Lahey
yes she is little with 1 year
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Isaac Lahey
she doesn't trust everyone she is going to talk with you after she is going to trust you
okay i understand it's about your father? *whisper*
Isaac Lahey
something like that
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*throw the ball*
Isaac Lahey
*catch the ball* nice try
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*rise her hands*
Isaac Lahey
you want me to throw the ball again? you want to play lacrosse?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Isaac Lahey
okay as you wish Scott you want to play too?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*look at the ball*
Isaac Lahey
look if your not okay with Scott playing with us you can just say okay?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Isaac Lahey
woah Scott she is not a werewolf
oh you didn't say that my bad *shout*
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*run after the ball*
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*get the ball*
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*turn around* ahh
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*look at Cora*
Cora Hale
you know a boy named Scott?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Cora Hale
can you show me where is he?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Cora Hale
Derek want to see you
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Isaac Lahey
Alexandra come on we need to go home *get the backpack*bye Scott
Isaac Lahey
come on go first *whisper*
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*go upstairs*
-next morning at the school-
she is your little sister?
Isaac Lahey
yes and she doesn't trust everyone
Isaac Lahey
look guys please don't be angry at her it's
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*look at Isaac*
Isaac Lahey
it's okay don't worry
everyone:Stiles shut up *shout*
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*sit down and eat*
Derek Hale
*see Alexandra* uumm
Isaac Lahey
she is my little sister she know about us
Derek Hale
the alpha pack is here and they search
what are they searching?
-episode 2
who are they searching?
Derek Hale
a girl i heard one of them just said they're searching a girl that's all i hear
what kind of girl? a werewolf?
Derek Hale
your deaf?! i just said
Cora Hale
brother the girl is here
Derek Hale
*sigh* look we're going to meet after school
teacher:today you have a new student please come
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*come inside*
teacher:please tell us your name
Isaac Lahey
she is my sister and she doesn't trust everyone
teacher:okay can you tell us your name?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
teacher:sit down next to Isaac
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*sit down next to Isaac*
you have a sister and you didn't tell us?
Isaac Lahey
hey you never ask
*look at Alexandra*
Isaac Lahey
Jackson stop staring at my sister
yeah dude you have a girlfriend already
and what do you mean by that?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
stop staring at me
Isaac Lahey
we have training and you have P.E we're going to meet after class
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Isaac Lahey
good luck and don't fall down
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*look at Isaac*
Isaac Lahey
bye bye *leave*
teacher:today your going to climb
climb? we did this yesterday
teacher:and your going to do it again today got a problem?
teacher:now the girls first and after the boys
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
fast *look up* oh come on why im the only human here?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*jump down*
you didn't tell me she is a werewolf
Isaac Lahey
what? she is not a werewolf what the hell are you talking about?
she climb like she was a werewolf and jump down like she didn't care
Isaac Lahey
let me tell you something my sister climb things since we're kids
Isaac Lahey
look stay away from my sister
i just want to be friends
Isaac Lahey
you should think about what Derek said
Isaac Lahey
maybe your not but they can attack you
Derek Hale
why is she here?
Isaac Lahey
she can stay right?
Cora Hale
yes she can im Cora
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Peter Hale
sorry im late wow we have another wolf?
Derek Hale
she is Isaac sister
Isaac Lahey
yep she know but don't worry she didn't tell someone we're safe
Peter Hale
good but if she is going to tell someone im going to kill her
Derek Hale
can you speak like a normal man for once?
Peter Hale
what do you mean? i am normal
Derek Hale
you came back from death are you sure your normal?
Peter Hale
perfectly normal but her why is she wearing a hoodie it's summer
Derek Hale
that's your problem now? not a alpha pack?
-episode 3
Cora Hale
i think i know what they want
Cora Hale
the werewolf who is half alpha and half beta
Derek Hale
*look at Peter*
Derek Hale
i didn't say something
Peter Hale
no but you want to say it
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
im confused
Cora Hale
they're always like this
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
the legend is real?
Cora Hale
it was but now we think that werewolf is dead
Peter Hale
let's say she is dead then why the hell are they coming here?!
Peter Hale
i am not going to calm down they kill her *shout*
and what do you want to do?
Peter Hale
kill them of course what else i can do?
Isaac Lahey
they're over 3 alphas in that pack and you are one how do you want to kill them
Peter Hale
boy you shut up you know nothing about this
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*look at Peter*
Peter Hale
*look at Alexandra* what the
Peter Hale
*look at Alexandra eyes* i think i saw the eyes
Derek Hale
they're normal i don't see a red eye or a blue eye
Peter Hale
are you sure your not a werewolf?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
im sure im not like you
Isaac Lahey
what do you want to say Peter? you think my sister is the legend?
Peter Hale
when it's a full moon you feel something strange?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
no i don't
Isaac Lahey
*look at his phone*
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
what happened?
Isaac Lahey
him he want to go home but you can go and train okay?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
your sure?
Isaac Lahey
yeah i am go and don't answer him if he call you
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
i will bye brother *run*
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*look at the mountain*
Peter Hale
your really going to climb this?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
yeah im doing this everyday
Peter Hale
how far did you climb?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
you see that hoodie?
Peter Hale
the red one? yes
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
i want to climb past her today *put on the gloves*
Peter Hale
just don't kill yourself
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
why do you care anyway? *climb*
Coach Lahey
so your here again this stupid place
Peter Hale
*look at Coach*
Coach Lahey
what are you doing here?
Peter Hale
sit down as you can see
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Peter Hale
your goo- *look up* need help?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
no i can do this
Coach Lahey
get down *shout*
Peter Hale
look man what's your problem with her climbing?
Coach Lahey
why do you care?
Coach Lahey
what are you?!
Peter Hale
leave before your going to see
Coach Lahey
your like that stupid brat
Coach Lahey
why? your suppose to be dead
Peter Hale
oh my f*cking god why everyone is saying this?!
Coach Lahey
anyway they're not real brother and sister
Peter Hale
what did you say?
Coach Lahey
nothing *leave*
Peter Hale
what are you doing in to a tree?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
i fall and somehow i end up grab this branch
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
*jump down* what did he said?
Peter Hale
some sh*ts now i want to ask you something
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
Peter Hale
what are you hiding?
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
im not hiding something
Peter Hale
your wearing a hoodie in summer and you don't roll your sleeves
Alexandra Lahey (Hale)
i don't like to wear a shirt
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