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Our Faith


Chapter: 1

The festival…

“Princesses your dress is ready” the maid said. But she doesn’t care about what she wears or what she look like for past 2 years. She just kept staring at her window and watching the crowd. After a while she got dresses even though she had no will to go but she was the princess of this country, Princess Grace and it was her duty to go. She was the youngest child of her parents and was currently 22. She was only girl born in her family and she has 3 brothers. She was loved but everything has its price and she paid her price 2 years ago. Since then she became quite and stayed all day in her room. She cried, sobbed and breakdown on her own after losing him. Yes she lost the person she love, the person she wanted to spend her life with, have children with and that’s what she paid for her kingdom as gratitude.

She was fixing her hair and she noticed a hair pin made of wood she looked at it and tear started to form in her eyes. But she stopped herself and said to herself forget him. But can she really forget him? The scares from 2 years on her heart were still bleeding and she murmured to herself, “weak….”

Somewhere near the southern hills,

King Jonathan (Sam) said to his brother Prince Edward and his most trusted men Max and Willy, “get ready we are taking King of southern hills down”. Only death can be sensed in his aura as he was marching to the palace of southern hills and to take back what belongs to him.

Jonathan was named Sam by his mother. His family called him as Sam.

Now he was king of Sonariya. The king who was known for his bloody battle and his ice heart, who never loved and do not have any place in his heart for anyone. But truth is he did loved a person 2 years ago and today he will have her back by hook or crook and punish her for betrayal…

Sam said in low voice, “you have to pay your price today and till end of your life…… Grace….”as he headed towards his destination.

In palace of southern hills,

She somehow managed to get ready with help of her maids. She was dressed beautifully but her face shows no sign of happiness and joy. All she could express a fake smile even though she was screaming with pain in her heart. But this was her faith……the faith she created 2 years ago……

Today was festival in her kingdom the festival of start of harvesting and the royal family has to start the festival. This festival means a lot to her people and her kingdom since it brings good luck, so she has to go. Grace was at the door of public assembly area in her palace suddenly she heard her someone call her,” hey Grace come here and have some tea and cookies with me”, it was her third brother Prince Ray who was sitting with Crowned Prince and her second brother. She rolled her eyes and said,” no thanks and will you please grow up a little because you look clumsy with cookies all over your face. And now wipe your face we are here for something important”.” Oh, come on little sister be nice to your brother” Ray said. When she was going to reply someone called her second brother and Crowned prince  and they left while her third brother shouted at them” see you later brothers”.

Grace sat beside Ray soon say said,” did you just cried about him? ....again” and sighed and patted her head

Grace: no, why would I cry for him?

Ray: I think you shouldn’t have done that 2 years ago, we could have found a way.

Grace: I did what was I right and I don’t regret it.

Ray:  Really,….don’t lie to me sister. I can’t see you like this …..heartbroken and hating yourself.

Grace * tears falling*: what is done is done and this is my punishment *wipes tears away*

No matter how many arguments Ray and Grace have they known each other the best. He is like a pillar for her support. He is little clumsy and careless even though he is 4 years older than her but he cares about her the most. Among the four royal siblings Ray and Grace are the closest. And he is one of few people who know about what happen 2 years ago.

Episode 2

Chapter 2: we meet again



After chatting

with Ray it felt a little better. After some time Mother and Father arrived. I

greeted them with smile and hugged them. Soon mother asked me as always the same

question that I don’t want to answer so she gave up and asked me to look at

some of the Royal, rich and handsome men and choose one at the dance in

evening. I felt my heart becoming heavy and I refused. But on the way to main

assembly hall father asked me the same thing and I just said that I wanted to

stay as their daughter for some more time and all he could do was sign. My

father never forced me to do anything so he won’t force me for marriage but I

know that this won’t last forever. I can’t imagine being with anyone but him….I

mean how can I?

As we entered the

festival hall I could feel stare of men who might be interested in me but I

don’t care. I just know I can’t love anyone again... The ceremony started and I

sat there with my family everything was quite normal and the way it was

supposed to be.


POV: `

Grace was sitting

there and was playing her part in the ceremony suddenly she saw one of the servants

running in the hall with blood dripping allover his body and couple of arrows

in his chest and back and as he came in he collapsed on floor. The whole crowd

was shocked but they did not get any time and arrows were raining all over the

places and crowd was running for their life. Her brothers and father ordered

Grace and her mother to go and get out of the assembly area with other ladies

and ordered some of the guards with them for protection. While rest of the

guards, her brothers, her father and some of the brave men in the crowd will

deal will this attack they were suffering. Grace and other ladies were unable

to get out of that hall because all the gates were blocked by enemies.

Grace didn’t know

what was happening? Who was doing it? What was she gonna do? She saw one after

another  men of her kingdom falling on

ground as death drags them inside it. She picked up a sword and tried to

protect herself and other women including her mother. Seeing this her elder

brother signaled Ray and Ray immediately came to help her. She knows that there

men’s were not ready but by the quantity and skills of enemies were so good

that Grace’s soldier can’t even stand against them in pre-prepared war. Each of

those was equally skilled to their 10 men’s at least and they were no better

than monsters. Who trained them? She thought as she cursed under her breath.

Suddenly one

arrow hit her elder brother shoulder and before Grace could respond the next

arrows hit her other brothers and her father. She ran towards her father and brothers,

tears started to flow and her blue dress started turning scarlet as she was

holding her father. She saw another arrow piercing into her second brother’s

leg and Grace turned her face saw a masked man with bow and arrow. As from his

attire he looked like their Master. She saw him taking another arrow and she

noticed that her mother was already captured by enemy soldiers. She was angry

and helpless as she saw that masked man aiming another arrow at her brothers.

She screamed at him, “STOP…*sob* WHAT DO YOU WANT?.....* sob* please stop….don’t

hurt them”.

The masked man

stares at her for few seconds while on the other hand Grace looked at him she

saw no emotions in his eyes she could only fell death but she felt him

familiar. The masked man started walk at her and she got chills. Her father

said to her in painful voice, “run… Grace run…ahh…. Save yourself and I am

sorry I can’t protect you …my daughter” and her brothers also agreed and asked

her to run. Grace just shake her head with tears in her eyes and said, “I won’t

leave without you all... I won’t run” as she continued sobbing.

The masked man

stopped few feet away from her and stared at Grace and her family. Grace was

scared, who won’t be scared- her family was in danger, her brothers and father

were injured, and they were surround with enemies with a mysterious man. One of

the soldier came and bowed to masked man and said with proud, “Master, the whole

castle is under our control, and we won Master”.

Then the masked

man removed his mask and as Grace saw his face she could only murmured,”


How can he be

alive? she thought. She was there when Sam died how can he stand in front of

her? and cause this harm to her family, how is he alive?

Sam smirked

coldly and said,” We meet again…Princess Grace”

Episode 3

Chapter 3: The deal

Author’s POV:

Grace was on her knees with her family in her own palace and was under surveillance of hundreds

of enemy soldiers. She was scared and helpless and tried her best to stay calm

but her tears betrayed her. Her father and brothers who were hurt, bleeding and

angry tried their best to show that they were strong enough but it didn’t

helped Grace at all.

While Sam was washing his hands which were covered in blood. After washing his hand he said,

“I would like to chat with King of southern hills and his sons in personal”

while saying that he didn’t even glance at them like he was ordering not


 Grace’s father did not had many options so he got up and all the Prince followed him. But Grace got worried and scared for her father and brothers, she hold her father’s hand and shouted at Sam, “WHAT

DO YOU WANT?” while Sam just ignored her and went inside the palace just like

she doesn’t exist.

Ray stopped her and said, “Hey It’s alright, we will be alright” and Grace just shakes her head

While her eldest brother, Prince William said, “be brave, trust your brother it’s alright and

stay with mother”. Grace father just patted her head and walked inside the

palace following Sam and so did the three Princes. Grace’s mother just pulled

Grace into hug just like a toddler and after some time few guards let them both

in one of the rooms. Grace was puzzled that why are they are treating her

family in such a way even though they are just hostages and at the same time

she was worried about her father and brothers.


Sam ordered Max to bring a physician and treat the wounds of Grace’s father and brother.

Grace’s father and brother were confused by his actions.

After physician was finished Prince William asked, “King Jonathan

(Sam), why are you doing this?”

King Jonathan (Sam): “what? Treating my hostages like this?”

Prince Eric (Grace’s 2nd brother):  “yes tell us?” *angry*

King Jonathan (Sam): “I have my plans”

King of Southern hills (Grace’s father) *angry*: “King Jonathan (Sam)\, you never

attacked any one without any reason then why did you attack us? What have we

done to offend you?”

King Jonathan (Sam): “Do you still think that you all are in place to ask questions to me?”

Prince William: “Then tell us what do you want? And why didn’t you kill us? I am sure

there must be a reason”

King Jonathan (Sam): “You are smart *smirks* I was going to kill you all but I changed my mind. Now I want

your father to look after this kingdom under my flag like a minister. He can

stay in this palace like before but everything will be under my control. And I

want you three brothers William, Eric and Ray work under me forever and with

loyalty. And I want one more thing……” *smirks*

 King of Southern hills (Grace’s father): *angry* “And what?”

Prince William: “And why would we do that? It’s better to die”

King Jonathan (Sam):*laughs* “I want to marry Princess Grace… and you will follow-”


Ray: *shout* “NO\, WE WON’T ALLOW THAT”

King of Southern hills (Grace’s father): “THAT NOT POSSIBLE”

Prince William: “stay away from her”

Prince Eric (Grace’s 2nd brother):  “you don’t deserve her, stay away from my sister.”

King Jonathan (Sam):*laughs out loud* “You are in no place to order me and you all will follow my every order

otherwise I will kill everybody in this kingdom and Princess Grace will be my

slave for her entire life. She will do everything that a slave does and she will

be in my bed. And you her father and her brothers will watch her suffering

every day and watch her die from inside every day. I will get what I want

anyways it’s up to you to decide whether princess will become my wife or slave.

Being my slave won’t be easy for her because I won’t care for her even a bit.

So you choose King of southern hills that you want your daughter to be my slave

or my wife\, it’s all up to you…*smirks*”

Grace’s father and brothers were worried and scared at the same time. Grace’s father

felt so helpless that he couldn’t protect his daughter from this monster. But

did he had a choice, no he didn’t.

King Jonathan (Sam): I don’t have any patience answer me now!

King of Southern hills (Grace’s father): “Fine. I agree”


brothers wanted to oppose but they know what their father has done was the only

option for them and they don’t want their sister to slave of such a heartless

person. And escape from here was not possible and they can’t risk he life of innocent

people for their profit.

King Jonathan (Sam): “Good. The

wedding would be tomorrow morning and prepare your daughter. If you tried to

escape or act smart I will make sure to destroy every life in this kingdom

including yours.” And he left the room.

Grace’s POV:

As father and brothers arrive I hugged them and asked, “Are you alright? Did he

hurt you? ”

They said  they are alright but they are sad as if they are hiding something from me so I asked and father replied hesitantly, “He…. He wants to marry you…… and wants us to rule under his flag and I agreed”

I replied, “No… I won’t. We don’t have to do that, we can talk to his king and we

can discuss this matter can’t we” I asked like a child as tears started to


Brother Ray and Brother Eric just looked away as if they were disappointed in

themselves. Brother William patted my head and said, “I am sorry Grace but he

is the KING. King of Sonariya, King Jonathan we can’t do anything because he

said that he will kill everybody in this kingdom if we don’t agree to his word

and if you don’t marry him he will destroy our people and make you his slave.

We have no other choice…. We can’t rick life of innocent. This now our faith

and I am sorry my sister I can’t protect you.”

After hearing what brother said I just couldn’t believe it. He was the king, King

Jonathan the heartless king who turned rivers bloody red. I only heard of him

never saw him but I cannot believe that Sam was no one but King Jonathan. My

oldest brother and father may had saw him in few occasions years ago but me and

my other two brother never went in any meets like that in between kings so I

never know how he looked like. So because of me this happened. I loved and

offended  the heartless king in disguise and this led to this storm to my kingdom. Now I have protect them. Brother is right, now this is my faith.

After few minutes of silence finally I said, “I agree….. I will marry him… This is my

faith and I will accept it. When is the wedding? brother”

Ray said still looking down, “tomorrow…….. Morning”

I said, “Tell the king I agree to marry him” tears start to fall even though I

tried hard not to shred tears.

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