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My Crazy Theories

why flying cars aren't a thing

In movies with genre sifi there are flying cars.... but why not in real life? well if you think about it a little harder those worlds are really dangerous, so let's tackle this question in two parts!

why is it dangerous?

ans- It's quite simple, people drive so recklessly on the road and hardly follow rules, many accidents happen because of this plus there are people who are under age and still drive..... now let's see what are the dangerous of flying a plane since it well flys! so things should be a little similar..... pilots go through so much to become a pilot you have to learn a lot of stuff make sure you know the dangers like weather, failure of some part in the plane, crashes are to name a few if flying cars become a thing there would be a day drivers of these cars won't be any different than drivers now and that won't be good

why scientists won't do it even if they can?

planes are a way to transport things and travel fastly, there are so many airports with many employees if flying cars become a thing these airports will run out of business and what about the fighter jets, will they still be effective not to mention people would try to cross borders illegally! maintaining a car is really costly and you have to make sure everything is working properly but there are still people who don't maintain their vehicles properly they're taking a huge risk by doing so now add the fact they're high up in sky when the car stops..... that won't be good....

what conditions are needed to live in a world with flying cars?

well if miraculously everyone follows the rules, takes care of their vehicle properly, uses airport to travel in different countries and doesn't use it to do something illegal like immigration without permission or ruining historical monuments from above then it may work but come on! no way there could be such a world where there is no crime because if there's good there's bad someone out there in that world would do something bad and risk everyone's lives

let's just hope flying cars stay in the imaginary world V●ω●V

if you've read this far I'm thankful!

hope you enjoy it!

tell me if you have some more points or another topic I could write about!

haha I'm just a stupid human so if you think something is wrong tell in comments

who I am and what I write about?

ello there mate! I go by the name hell here I'm a girl

currently living in India

I'm flirty and weird

I struggle in socializing and showing emotions

I have social anxiety, depression and trust issues

I love to draw, write, listen to music and of course read BL!!!

in this novel I'll write about weird theories I made up since my hyperactive brain won't let me relax! hope you like it

(/////) byeee!!!!


ahem hello there!

I'm here to talk about few really stupid things I have read so far so let's start shall we

1- how tf a vampire dies in sunlight but is ok when standing in moonlight

(*」>д<)」─── bruh moon has NO LIGHT!

it reflects the light of the sun 💢 and werewolves why are you completely ok in the day but if moonlight falls on you, you suddenly transform and become crazy

(*」>д<)」─── how tf it works!

2- this one is just straight up dumb 🙄 like girls falling in love with these 'cold' guys or these 'vampires n werewolves' like bishh you know that they are dangerous right that mafia or ceo of yours will MURDER YOU that vampire hunk of yours SEES YOU AS A WALKING MEAL AND CAN KILL YOU ANYTHING NOT TO MENTION YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SURVIVE IF HE DOES BECAUSE OF HIS POWERS AND EVEN IF HE DOESN'T KILL YOU HE IS BASICALLY IMMORTAL YOU'LL DIE WAY BEFORE THAN HIM AND SOMEONE ELSE WILL EVENTUALLY BE HIS NEW LOVE DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT oh not to mention the fact these all peeps have killed AT LEAST three humans before meeting you 🙄 idiots

3- let's look in historical drama shall we WHERE TF ALL THE BOYS WENT

p(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)q I see many ladies going crazy about ml or his friends like whatt is there no other guy? what about the general or his son what about the prime minister or any other minister what about a merchant or a relative of the current emperor/empress what about the other princes LITERALLY ANY ONE ELSE and those bishes who steal fls man listen you are not better than her of you do that it just means you are easy and she's way good for him and he was insecure that he'll be dumped so he chose you to satisfy his ego plus what will happen if you do that 🙄 it's not like she'll jump of a bridge if you really want to destroy her life then find someone more powerful and target her don't be so dumb bish YOU BEHAVE MORE LIKE A CHILD ANGRY ON THE FACT YOUR SIBLING GOT TWO CANDYS WHILE YOU GOT ONE THAN A VILLIAN idiots 💢 you are a disgrace you don't even deserve to be called a villan (•ˋ _ ˊ•) ( sorry I just love villians a lot because they are really smart and relatable so I get pissed at "villain" who is literal idiot)

4- now let's come to stupid fls bruh how you are even alive oh I know cuz your man cleans up your mess bruh seriously especially those strong fls WHAT KIND OF STRENGTH MAKES SOMEONE BRAINLESS I REALLY WANT TO SLAP YOU TO DEATH provoking strong peeps and stealing their info FOR NO REASON B*T*H STOP ACTING YOU ARE A CRUEL PERSON WHO SHOULD ROT TO DEATH I've literally seen them beat CHILDREN like small kids who doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what's right and wrong fully and steal heirlooms and other stuff or info THAT'S CLEARLY REALLY IMPORTANT FOR THEM for no reason bruh you could have just asked but no you have to do that DUMB DOG you know what's the worst thing you do DESTROY THE FRIENDSHIP THAT PERSON AND ML HAS you are in no way a good person and I'm disgusted that someone actually likes you and disappointed that readers fail to see all horrible things you do or ml does because you guys are the main characters but if the same thing is done by a side character it's unacceptable

what I want to say in the end?


in the end I hope you use your own thinking and analyze the actions of the character before loving or hating it and don't just rant how bad the character is

if you treat the main leads are real people please treat others as the same thank you very much ( ̄∇ ̄) hope you enjoy it and I'm thankful that you actually read this


ok let's be straight this chapter is about MEN HATING


lol ok it's me talking about how toxic feminism became because of men hating

but before starting DISCLAIMER- by no means I'm telling feminism is bad nor I'm saying those who made others suffer are innocent I just want to say not everyone is the same and misandry is wrong so let's gooo

I was watching YouTube and came across few very interesting videos making jokes about men and insulting them just straight up men should be dead 🙄 and I'm trying to control my anger because I have many guys friends and I have a brother......... it just hurts a lot because there were many teens and they seemed to support this toxic idea and a few examples like these were the last straw for me

💢 so what are you then huh their mother 🙄

oh really what about depression and anxiety ps menstruation is not a problem but if you don't have it as a female that is 🙄 ik it's annoying but it's important

I pity their dads what kind of horrible treatment they recive

🙄 and that's why you are still single

SEE!!! and this is rude now I understand why guys don't open up to us

(*」>д<)」─── if I received this treatment I would do the same just educate your children guys hating on a gender is NOT ok and by no means would work

It's just rude, ignorant and by no means ok it's 2021 get educated guys I've encountered the so called "cold" guys well they were rude but y'all ladies out there complaining everyone is the same is just dumb bruh listen two things you should remember is NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME and PEOPLE CHANGE if some guy hurt you, you don't have to forgive him but don't treat other guys poorly just because of that one single person and since you guys are really rude let me show you what these "trash" men did after we became close- supported me when I was breaking down, was there to back me up, showed me how wonderful I am, taught me to love myself, showed how wonderful people are after you actually get to know them, made me laugh, wrote wonderful things and showed me what a great friend I can be if I try, helped me get comfortable when joining a new group, played around with me when I was bored and always came when I needed or called them

is that what you mean by "trash" ?

listen just try to get to know them it may take a little time but they are really wonderful and you won't regret a thing don't forget everyone's a human with emotions no matter the gender, class, age, race or religion they are all humans so treat 'em like one put yourself if others shoe open yourself up because you can only see their best when you expect their worst everyone is both good and bad some show one of their side and hide the other some show both depending on the situation some show none everyone's different and that's what makes them beautiful unique and truly them so let's just make this world a little better especially when everyone's stressed

ok this one was reallyyy looong I'm finishing it here I hope you like this and if you are reading this I love you the way you are so don't be so harsh on yourself ok you are worth everything you are unique and beautiful ❤ hope you see that one day too ❤ ok bye! ( ̄∇ ̄)

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