Title: Pain in shadows...
Kim Taehyung, a cute, lovely, and homely boy, found himself Wed to the CEO of a conglomerate and a part-time solo idol Jeon Jungkook. his heart yearned for affection, yet all he received was rejection. He expected love and importance from the person he loved, but...
Taehyung lacked parental love and endured his brother's hatred, blaming himself for his mother's death. However, Jungkook saw Taehyung as nothing more than a convenience, desiring him only in the confines of their bedroom. Outside, Taehyung remained invisible, his pain hidden in the shadows, unnoticed by the world.
Taehyung's past burdens and desires remain hidden in shadows, unseen and unheard. Despite his ache for affection...
No one understood Taehyung's pain as he suffered in the shadows.
This story has been in my mind for a long time, but due to my laziness😅..The pictures used in the story aren't mine. credit goes to the original owner. It contains 🔞
NovelToon got authorization from winter bear ------bts😍 to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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