Three years into the zombie apocalypse, the world had collapsed into chaos. Cities lay in ruins, overrun by the undead, while humanity teetered on the edge of extinction. Scientists, desperate to develop a cure, had nearly succeeded before their labs were infiltrated, leaving no hope for salvation. With no cure and dwindling survivors, the future seemed grim—until she appeared.
A lone woman immune to the virus emerged, defying the odds. Her arrival was as mysterious as her survival; she remembered nothing of her past, her mind a void.
Whispers of salvation followed her, but her immunity raised as many questions as it did hopes. How had she survived? What made her different? These questions gnawed at her as much as the blankness of her own mind.
NovelToon got authorization from ExoShaneey to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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