Amy Woo Sang is a 12th year high school student who accidentally finds out a huge secret hidden by the Dan-Vincenzo Mafia Empire.
She now has to comply with their rules after being accidentally abducted by the second in command, Gray Dan-Vincenzo.
She now has to train to be like one of them..... And in return she gets to be the second in command of the Dan-Vincenzo Empire. But little does she know the truth behind this....
Alessandro Dan-Vincenzo, Enrico's father rules both Empires in Corleone and Palermo which are both located in Sicily, Italy
But Enrico's father is also trying to gain power in
Naples in Campania, Milan...And Reggio Calabria in Calabria
These three are the Ruled by the 'Malvagi' Mafia organization and Mr Alessandro is trying his best to overpower them. The Malvagi empire is affecting the inhabitants and economy surrounding them. This thereby is affecting the Dan-Vincenzo Empire negatively . ...
Alessandro needs help from his son, Amy & his daughters...
NovelToon got authorization from Ella Oloyede to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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