"Flames of Rivalry" follows the intense, emotional journey of Vidushi and Kunal, two fiercely competitive college students whose rivalry sparks a deep, magnetic connection. Vidushi, bold and fiery, and Kunal, aloof and mysterious, first clash during a high school debate competition. Forced to collaborate on a project, their rivalry intensifies into unexpected attraction. As they transition to college, their relationship evolves through fiery arguments, moments of vulnerability, and passionate confrontations, while Vidushi’s exes and Kunal’s hidden past complicate matters. Through family secrets, betrayals, and emotional growth, Vidushi and Kunal's bond grows from hatred to love. With humor, passion, and drama, "Flames of Rivalry" explores love, rivalry, and the challenge of balancing independence with emotional connection.
please don't copy my work
tbh This work is a gift to my best friend her name is also Vidushi
Hope she like it
NovelToon got authorization from Moonforyou to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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