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Author Name: Maron Williams

Destructors - Starcrossed Lovers

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Author Name: Maron Williams

When the Great War was a certainty, the Destructors became the last hope of humankind. Deadly weapons in a human body, devoid of any emotion and controlled by a microchip embedded into their skin they were supposed to be the perfect soldiers - until they managed to break free and took history into their own hands.
Now, hundreds of years later, the world is ruled by Destructors, and humankind enslaved by their own merciless creation. The young Charlotte is one of the lucky humans that are allowed to live a relatively free life as farmers outside of the huge cities that are home to most Destructors. But that changes when she catches the eyes of the Destructor Rain who claims her to be an offspring of a human rebel group. What starts off as a relationship between master and servant soon becomes much more than both of them could have ever bargained for. Boundaries thought to be impenetrable start to blur as a love blossoms that threatens to question the very order of the world once more.

NovelToon got authorization from Maron Williams to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

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