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Author Name: Public Book

Adam Smith

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Author Name: Public Book

"Adam Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations, was no dry pedant. His lectures and writings are alive with examples taken from the busy eighteenth-century world around him, and Edmund Burke praised his literary style as ""rather painting than writing."" It was Adam Smith who taught moral philosophy and literary criticism to Boswell at the University of Glasgow, and in Smith's works we follow his interests from political history to law, sociology, economic and social history, philosophy, and English literature.

E. G. West brings to life Adam Smith's first years in the bustling Scottish seaport of Kirkcaldy (and recounts Smith's brief kidnapping, as a baby, by gypsies). "

NovelToon got authorization from Public Book to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

Adam Smith
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