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Author Name: Public Book

A Ward of the Golden Gate

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Author Name: Public Book

The story revolves around a young boy named Tommy, who is an orphan and lives in a mining camp near San Francisco. Tommy is taken care of by a rough but kind-hearted man named Kentuck. Kentuck is a miner who has a reputation for being fearless and good-natured, and he has become a sort of father figure to Tommy. One day, Tommy and Kentuck encounter a man named Sal, who is injured and near death. Sal had been in a fight and was left for dead by his companions. Kentuck decides to take Sal in and nurse him back to health. During Sal's recovery, he becomes attached to Tommy and begins to feel a sense of responsibility for him. As the story unfolds, the characters' relationships and emotions are tested, and the themes of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice are explored. "A Ward of the Golden Gate" is a classic example of Bret Harte's storytelling style, which often focuses on the lives and experiences of people in the rugged and often lawless frontier of the American West. The story is relatively short and can be found in collections of Bret Harte's works or in anthologies of American literature. It remains a notable piece of Western American literature that captures the spirit of the Gold Rush era and the human connections that were forged in those challenging times.

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A Ward of the Golden Gate
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