الكمان هو صديقي الوحيد

الكمان هو صديقي الوحيد

الوحدة و الضلم تحت سقف واحد Loneliness and oppression under one roof

🎇ان كان الحب مغنطيس ف انا حقا خشبة 🎇ومن هنا تبداء روايتنا مليئاء بل حزن ول ألم و المعاناء ف تبداء رويتنا عند عائلة كانت هذة العائلة غنية و معروفة و مشهورة بل جمال و ثراء و السلطة و كل شي لاكن كان ينقصها شي واحد الا وهو الحب كل منهم كان يكره بعض و حتى حدث زواج بين الاب والام و انجبا بطل القصة 🎇رون🎇 و كان هذة الطفل وحيد ولا يتلقا اي حب من عائلته وكانت الام تكره ابنها رون وكان دائمن تضربه و توبخه وكان هذة الشعور يتلقاه ذاته من ابيه حين كان عمر رون 5 سنوات وكان دائمن وحيد حتى في يوم حصل ان الام قد حصل وجن جنونها فجئة حين قرر الاب ول الام ان يتخلصاء من رون لانه بلا فائدة ولانه كان طفل ضعيف و خجول و وحيد ف في تلك اليلا اتت الام الي غرفت ابنها وهو نائم وكان تريد قتله وفي يدها سكين حتى استيقض رون من صوت امه و سقط من على السرير و هو مفزوع و كان يبكي لان امه تريد قتله و كانت تقترب منه لتقتله ف امه هجمت عليه و مما ادا الى ان تطعنه في وجهه وقد ادا هذة الي ضهور ندبا و كان وكان وجهه مليء ب ادماء و حتى اصبحت الغرفة مخيفة و هو ركض الى النفذة و سقط منها و هرب و امه نزلت لكي تلحقه لكي تكمل عليه وهو كان يهرب في الغابات في يوم عاصف و ممطر و صوت الرعود يعلو و هنا سقط رون على الارض في غابة مخيفة و.....انتضرو الفصل القادم 👈ترجمة It was raining, love was a magnet, so I was truly a tree 🎇 and from here our story is full of sadness, pain, and suffering. Our story begins with a family. This family was rich, well-known, and famous, but it had beauty, wealth, power, and everything, but it was missing one thing, which is all love. Some of them hated each other and until a marriage took place between the father and mother and they gave birth to the hero of the story 🎇Ron🎇. This child was alone and did not receive any love from his family. The mother hated her son Ron and he was always beating him and scolding him. He received this same feeling from his father when he was Ron’s age. For 5 years, he was always alone until one day the mother suddenly became mad when the father and mother decided to get rid of Ron because he was useless and because he was a weak, shy, and lonely child. That night, the mother came to her son’s room while he was sleeping and wanted to kill him. She had a knife in her hand until Ron woke up from his mother's voice and fell off the bed and he was terrified and was crying because his mother wanted to kill him and was getting close to him to kill him, so his mother attacked him and this led to her stabbing him in the face and this led to the appearance of scars and it was and was. His face was full of blood and the room became scary as he ran





حلو بس وين مختفيه




تنزيل على الفور

تنزيل على الفور



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