ฟูนาเอะ หลอนเรื่องราว

ฟูนาเอะ หลอนเรื่องราว

Dark deep smile ( ep.0 )

teacher - Nemo : everyone today we have new student


everyone: yeah yeah who ?

student 1: oh coming

( sound open the door )

black hair with face of smile

( write the check book )

???: everyone hello I am a new student


✖️✖ ✖️✖️ ✖️✖️ ✖️✔️ ( stop write )

- everyone now nothing

- Book 1 Coming

- ( stop write )

students look at her

Teacher - nemi: students hey

Teacher - nemi: today study but I will buy sweet tea

Students 2: OK teacher we will piece

Teacher - nemi: sweet tea 3 cups

Aunt: 100 - yen

( in class )

sotoga ( โซโตกะ ): mayuri ( มายูริ ) look at her

Mayuri: oh friend I will talk to her

( walk and talk to funae ( ฟูนาเอะ ) )

Mayuri: what your name hey new friend hello Today


She quite and Touch the Mayuri

Mayuri look at the flower

Mayuri: oh wow thank you

She smile but it scare


Teacher - nemi: NED class

Teacher - nemi walking around and Back

- First day end

- The next day

( Good time happy day everyone )

( Today END )

Preview Next time

- The Dark write and the Black book

sound something

Students walking around garden

song slow down

Teacher - nemi eat the food

sound cat call

Door open and shadow black


Teacher - nemi : what are you doing student


Funae Jump up and down


Black book open she read it

she smile


pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp


Funae: The puppet puppet


.. END The preview


39 Episode - Bye bye


song : yeah I know you know what happens everyone oh oh oh

Doruma it the Doruma

I hear you I see you I got you I feel darkness happy funny times ha ha ha it over time Doruma spin - left of Darkness and again - right of darkness and again again

oh l see you you don't know

No the escape No sad l got you now

dace and worship Demon happy day

fake life with you now now nothing

everyday it END - Red - life - Tear - Happy - Love Now

Lie - over - xx - evil

Question about everything but it only over . 1 . 2 . 3 . Death by Tear down

coffin beautiful day

only Hate

... happy smile darkness

- leave it fell

- Deep down in Darkness of glitch

zero - one - two - END

Darkness coming

little fairy it breaks heart

Door it Lock down

No Escape

... OVER TIME ...




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