NovelToon NovelToon

ウルトラマンプラオゼル ( Plaozel )

光の始まりbeginning of light


Strike phase main founding unit


Phase device gun


Aircraft: ZERO HYPE



QRC support operations unit



Member of the Research Section of the QRC Unit

- 夏沖美千代 Natsuoki Michiyo

- カマキセイジワ Kamaki Sejiwa

- おいらもとし Oiira Motoshi

- ふくさえ、りんな Fukusae rinna

- タイジョガ教授 Professor Taijoga

- ドマーレ長官 Chief Domare

- 主任研究員:ハチベエ やね Lead researcher: Hachibe yane

- タム・タマビ ( Mascot ) Tamu Tamabi

- ヨルノ・サヤマ Yoruno Sayama



The sound of someone running


A wind wave appears


The white stone shone brightly in the purple ice crystals


Smoke spreads everywhere in the sky


A white light shone brightly and there was the sound of gunfire in the distance


A strange radio wave emits a deep, low-pitched roar


The ancient people ran out of the clear dome and the sound of the clock sounded


Dark green roots sprouted from red smoke and a strange scream sounded


A light floated in the air and a hand caught it and the light shone


The red mud in the water melted and a high-pitched sound sounded


The sky was overcast, the sound of the wind blowing in the sky, and red smoke dissipating


: Let's go to the maximum


The mirror cracked and everything went dark



Yuna turned and was blocked by a blue light



Within the thick mist, there was a green glow and numerous light waves radiating out



Ultraman Plaozel - Mysterious dimension of light


The light fell to the ground and the darkness instantly dissipated


The black crystal glowed yellow and liquid flowed from the black crystal



Episode 1失敗からの光 Light from failure

自動レジに支払いカードを置く女性の手 デジタル画像が開き、本日の価格はデジタル1200円です

Woman's hand placing payment card on automatic cash register The digital image opens and today's price is 1200 digital yen


サービストーン: 当店をご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございます。 今日を楽しむ。 お客様ありがとうございます、また次回お会いしましょう

Service tone: Thank you for supporting our store. Have fun today. Thank you customers, see you next time



The door slid open automatically and the sound of the system meowing loudly sounded



人々が行き交い、建物にはデジタル画面が現れました。 一般的な報道です。 そして暗くなりました

People walk by and digital screens appear on buildings. It's a general news report. And then it went dark



灰青色のユニホームを着て練習に励む人たちと、それを見守る人たちの姿が室内にあった。 そしてオートスライドドアが開く音がした。 黒と青の制服を着た男が入ってきて話し始めた

There were people in gray-blue uniforms practicing diligently, and there were people watching over them in the room. And there was the sound of the automatic sliding door opening. A man in a black and blue uniform walked in and started talking



Man A: Is there something wrong?

警官: もう休んでもいいよ。 自分で対処します

Officer: You can go rest now I'll take care of it myself


その瞬間、奇妙な震え音と奇妙な呼吸音がした。 制服を着た誰かが基地の上に出てきました

And at that moment, there was a strange shaking sound and a strange breathing sound. Someone in uniform walked out to the top of the base



地面に亀裂が入り、紺色の尾が現れ、水が噴き出した。 部隊の士官は全員、隊長の命令に従って解散した。 そして、銃を持った人々のグループが地上から発砲するのを待っていました

On the ground, a crack appeared and a dark blue tail appeared, water gushing out. All officers in the unit dispersed according to the captain's orders. Then there was a group of people with guns waiting to shoot from the ground



その後、深く甲高い咆哮が響き渡り、その灰色の生き物はサンゴを皮膚に張り付き、口から奇妙な薄緑色の液体を分泌した。 そして、怪物に向かって銃弾が発射されましたが、それは大したことはなく、ただ怒って口から水を吐き出し、地上にいる乗組員を攻撃しました

Afterwards, a deep, high-pitched roar sounded out as the gray creature had coral clinging to its skin and it secreted a strange light green liquid from its mouth. And a beam of bullets shot at the monster, but it didn't matter much; it just got angry and spat out water from its mouth to attack the crew on the ground


灰色の飛行機械が飛び出し、その胴体に向けて発砲した。 怪物は尻尾を使って飛行機を叩きつけましたが、間に合うように向きを変えて回避することができました

A gray flying machine shot out and shot at its body. The monster used its tail to slam the aircraft down, but was able to turn and avoid it in time


ミチヨは市街地を飛び出し、大都会で怪物に遭遇するまで気付かなかった。 彼女は急いでその場から逃げましたが、地面の揺れで誤ってつまずいて地面に落ちてしまいました。 怪物は水を吐き出し、高い建物を破壊し、さらに別の建物を倒して倒れました。 彼女はすぐにそれを避け、逃げる方法を見つけるために反対方向に走った

Michiyo was running out of the city zone and came across a monster in the big city without realizing it until she saw the monster. She hurriedly ran out of there but accidentally stumbled and fell to the ground due to the shaking of the ground. The monster spewed water and destroyed tall buildings, and then it toppled another building until it fell down. She quickly dodged and ran the other way to find a way to escape



何人もの人が彼女に、一方に来て反対方向に行くように電話をかけていました。 彼女は歩き去ろうとしていたところ、落下してきた瓦礫に衝撃を受けた。 それは彼女に降り注いだ。 しかしその瞬間、奇妙な光が彼女を襲い、すべてが暗くなりました

There were a number of people calling her to come one way and go the other way. She was walking away when she was struck by falling debris. It crashed down on her. But at that moment, a strange light struck her and everything went dark


人々は意識を失い、その後明るい光が放射され、白い光の塊が形成されました。 光体は明るく輝き、怪物はためらいなく水光線を使って光体を撃ち、建物に激突した。 そして素早く水の力を使って口から噴射した

People fell unconscious and then a bright light shot out, forming a body of white light. The body of light shone brightly and the monster without hesitation used a beam of water to shoot at the body of light until it crashed into a building. It then quickly used the power of water to spray out of its mouth



光体は自然に消滅し、怪物はサンゴの棘を盾として膨らませた。 それは咆哮を上げ、飛行艇に向けて光線を発射した。 熱湯の霧を放ちながらビームガンを撃ち込んできた乗組員を倒す。 艦長は高粒子線砲を発砲した

The light body dissipated on its own and the monster swelled up coral thorns as a shield. It roared out and shot a beam of light at the flying craft. Along with releasing hot water mist to defeat the crew members who were firing beam guns at it. The captain then fired a high particle beam gun at it


怪物はビームに当たって倒れたが、再び起き上がることができた。 それは熱湯のビームを吐き出し、その光は反射してそのビームに当たり、さらに他の方向からのビームも受けて、光は地面に砕け散りました

The monster was hit by the beam and fell, but it was able to get up again. It spat out a beam of hot water and the light shot back and hit its beam and was hit by beams from other directions as well, until the light shattered onto the ground


怪物は再びビームを発射しようとしたが、何かがその体を凍らせ、凍ったまま地面に落ちた。 部隊の全員が極度の唖然として全ての行動を止めたとき、地面で気を失った女性の手元で携帯電話の着信音が鳴り響いた

The monster was about to fire another beam, but something froze its body, causing it to fall to the ground, frozen. Everyone in the unit was extremely stunned and stopped all their actions, and then there was the sound of a mobile phone ringing near the hand of the woman who had fainted on the ground




The monster in the ice covering its body was sucked down to the ground and it was instantly absorbed




Elimination failed



END episode 1

Status: No complete


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