Real Nature

Real Nature

chapter 1

Shi Yen

Oldest son of Bao Yen and Sho YEn .

the only adopted son who gets treated worse then a dog the cursed child for this parents .

Kim Yen the youngest .

The only son related by blood to their

parents their flesh and blood and the next successor of the Yen sect .

Even if Shi yen is the oldest of the two and their first 'son' they treat him like a piece of garbage just because he was adopted .

When shi was first adopted at when he was only 2 years old he was treated like a prince , but things started to change when madam Yen discovered she was pregnant . At that time Shi was 4 and with the new arrival in the Yen family Mr and Mrs Yen didn't have time for him anymore and Mr yen even started to ignore Shi .

Shi back then didnt knew what he did bad for his parents to not love him anymore so he tried asking Mr and Mrs yen , but he only got silence as a respond . At 13 Shi started to understand why his parents did not love him but he blamed no one but himself after all , for them he was just an adopted son .

As Kim turned 3 Mr and Mrs Yen sent Shi to a military camp and when shi a 7 years old boy asked why Mrs Yen beated him up because for her Shi was arrogant .

Three days later when shi was getting ready to go to the military camp he went to say good bye to this parents who only told him to only appear in front of as an man with accomplishment or to get lost and die . It was with a heavy and sad heart that Shi left that day .

10 years later ... ............ ' Mom , dad , brother I am back ' Shi screamed at the door . Its been ten years that he left to go serve in the army after this traning at the military camp , ten years since he last saw his parents . He changed in these ten years by now this brother must be 12/13 something . After waiting he saw no one was answering so he went inside to see everything was decorated ,"Is there anything special happening today ..... euhh ... excuse me miss but is there something special happening today ." he asked one of the servants ,"today has been ten years since young master Shi died .....may he find peace "the servant responded before going to do her work Shi at that time who was too shocked while learning that his parents faked his death after the went away was heart broken . Then only reason for Shi to achieve things in life was to make his parents proud of him he went through so much for ten years with only one objective TO MAKE HIS PARENTS PROUND. But only to find what that his parents faked his death so that their biological son could get the seat of the cheft they were ready to kill him just so his brother could get the seat even before asking him if he wanted the seat or no ," they ... fa..ked my death for ... his .... a mere title of leader ! " Shi said to himself between his sobs .


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