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The Mafia Queen

They kidnapped My sister

Chapter 1: They Kidnapped My Sister

Love is what steals your heart, when you search for it you find it

in the wrong place and it beats with someone else, so you

become attached to that person to the point of death. Love is a

beautiful thing that gives life a special flavor, whether between a

but what about two people who have no heart? Will love have a

place in their lives? Or does light have a chance to eliminate their

darkness? In London, specifically in one of its large rural areas,

this beautiful girl wakes up with all her energy and vitality to the

chirping of birds, and why not? Today is her eighteenth birthday.

This girl is Isabella, or as everyone calls her,

"Bella." She took a

refreshing bath with her favorite jasmine flavor and wore a

beautiful blue dress that reached her knees with white sports

shoes and put on butterfly-shaped accessories because she

loves them, and even adores butterflies. She looked at herself in

the mirror, a dazzling smile appeared on her face that made her

even more beautiful. Then she went down happily, her smile

disappearing after she found her mother packing her luggage.

She asked her mother in surprise: Good morning, mom. Are you

going somewhere? Bella's mother, Catherine, coldly: Yes. Is there

a problem? Bella, sadly: No, there isn't. But where to? Catherine:

I have a business trip that will last a whole month, and I have to.

This deal is very important to all of us, so I'm going. As for you

and Talia, you will stay here and take care of everything. Today,you have become an adult, which means you can take

responsibility. Do you understand? Bella, very sad: Ok mom,

have a safe trip Catherine went out and got into the car then

headed to the airport. As for Bella, after her mother left the

house, she collapsed and cried a lot. Talia came quickly to calm

her little sister down. Talia calmly: Bella, calm down, there is no

need to cry. I know that this is hard for both of us. Since we were

young, we have been suffering from life's troubles, but you have

to bear it. The future is greater and I know what I am saying, but

look at the positive side. We will take responsibility for ourselves

from now on. Also, you know that our mother loves us very

much and does not show it. You know the reason for her current

condition very well. Bella, crying: Yes, I know, but I am in pain. To

whom should I complain about my worries? Why am I the only

one who does not celebrate my birthday? You celebrate and I do

not. Why? Say all this and no one shares my pain. The people

closest to me distance me from him and do not care about me

as if I am invisible. Talia, laughing, trying to ease the situation:

Am I a ghost, I wonder? Am I not here, Smurfette? Bella

laughing: Who is this smurfette? Bella started running happily

after Talia in the fields to lie down on the grass among all those

flowers and look at the blue sky and those beautiful birds. In the

evening, both Bella and Talia had a delicious dinner after a hard

day to end their day by watching a romantic comedy movie.

Suddenly, the sisters heard someone knocking on the door

loudly and savagely, or should I say, people knocking on the door

until they almost broke it. Talia stood up to open the door, but as

soon as she opened it, someone pulled her by the hair andslapped her hard. She fell unconscious because of the force of

this slap. Bella quickly got up from her place, fear swept over

every inch of her, and she quickly tried to help her sister, whom

they threw into the car, but she did not succeed because the car

had taken off quickly, causing her to fall to the ground

unconscious from the severity of the shock and fear... To be

continued... 1 Introduction to the characters mentioned in this

chapter: 1. Bella:A young girl in the prime of her life, eighteen

years old, studying at university. She is also a kind, beautiful and

beloved girl among everyone, or as everyone calls her, the

embodiment of the little angel. Her skin is white, her cheeks are

rosy to the point of redness, her eyes are blue as the color of the

sky, and her teeth are bright white. Her hair is silky and wavy

blonde. Her body is slender and she is indescribably sexy, i.e.

extremely beautiful. 2. Talia: A young girl, twenty years old, still

studying at university. She aspires to become a doctor. She is

the older sister of Belial. She is kind and beautiful. Her eyes are

honey-colored, her skin is brown, her cheeks are rosy, and she

has beautifully and naturally drawn pink lips. Her teeth are

bright white, and her hair is black as the night, silky and wavy.

She is beautiful, but it cannot be said that she is extremely

beautiful like Belial. Her body is slender and attractive. She is

distinguished by the presence of freckles on her face in a light

way. 3. Catherine: Talia and Belial's mother loves them very

much, but she does not show it due to an incident that

happened in the past that only she knows about. You will know

in the coming chapters, Katherine has become very cold and

uninterested in her daughters. She is very beautiful, her eyes aresimilar to Talia's eyes, her skin is almost like Talia's, she looks

very much like Talia, but Bella does not look.

The Mastermind

Chapter 2: The Mastermind

The next morning Bella woke up after losing consciousness yesterday and the

pain in her head was unbearable Bella: Oh my head it hurts what happened?

Oh no sister, Talia where are you? Where is Sajdak and the damn thing... Bella

started crying and screaming hysterically and fear filled her. Who should she

turn to? Where should she search? And what did they do to her sister? Bella

crying and fearing: I have to do something to save her. Oh God, help me,

please guide me, show me the right path. While she was in this state, she

heard a knock on the door, which made matters worse because she thought

they had come back to kill her, but she gathered herself, took courage and

stood up, her whole body trembling with fear. She opened the door to find

their neighbor who treats Bella and Talia as if she were their mother. Amanda,

Bella's neighbor, with clear fear and anxiety: Bella... What happened? Tell me...

Bella answered after falling to the ground crying: My sister disappeared,

auntie, she is in danger, I don't know how to help her, I don't know anything

about her location or even her condition now. Amanda worried: Oh my God, it's

a disaster, let's go tell the police, Bella fearfully: No, don't tell anyone, they

might hurt her if you do. Amanda: Okay, did you see any of them? Bella: I think

so, I can also describe it to you. Amanda: Good, then I will draw it. Bella started

describing and Amanda started drawing, Amanda said: I'm done, is this it?

Bella: Yes, it's exactly him, come on let's ask everyone if they saw anything

this evening Amanda tiredly: We asked everyone and it didn't help, we had no

choice but to tell the police. Bella sadly: I don't know, do what you think is

appropriate. Suddenly Bella's phone rang announcing the arrival of a message

from an unknown number saying: Don't you dare tell the police about this

matter, you don't know who we are, and if you want your sister, you have to

give us everything you own and cut off your relationship with your mother

forever. You have a deadline from now until tomorrow. We will meet at the old

Garden warehouse. Don't be late and don't bring anyone with you. Bella

crying: Stop, don't tell the police, look at the message, bring the ownershippapers, I will sign them and give them to them, my sister is more important

than my life even. Early in the morning, Bella prepared the papers and signed

them sadly, then headed by taxi to the warehouse. When she arrived there,

she found a disgusting smell and darkness everywhere, and she heard a girl's

scream that sounded like her sister's. Bella entered there and found her sister

thrown on the ground and blood everywhere, Bella screamed angrily: Leave

her you *** what did you do how could you beat my sister in such a brutal way

you animal my sister do you hear me? Talia weakly and crying: Bella is that

you? Why did you come? Go from here they will not have mercy on you go. A

woman the age of Bella's mother comes and it is clear that she is rich and that

she is the mastermind of all this and says screaming: Stop screaming or I

swear to kill you both. Bella crying and angrily: Who are you and what do you

want from us? We don't know you? The woman cunningly: Me haha no but

you know who I am I will not say who I am now you will know later Bella did

you bring what I asked for? Bella: Yes go ahead now leave my sister. The

woman: Wait a minute and what about the second request? Bella fearfully: I.. I

can't.. I love my mother I will not do this to her please understand me. Woman:

Then choose either your sister or your merciless mother. Now.

I choose My sister

Chapter 3: I Choose My Sister

Bella thought a little and said to herself: I have to choose, I don't have enough time to think, but

my mother is currently on a business trip and the most important thing now is to save my

sister, so I choose my sister and after we get out of here I will act. Bella: I will choose my sister

and now let's go The woman: Wise choice my little girl, now you will come with me to my

house, of course you will not go to the street Bella in shock: What house is this, we will never go

with you and we will manage our affairs The woman cunningly: Okay, as you wish, I tried

because.. you know I will not say who I am, it will be a surprise, go from here Come on Bella and

Talia got out of that place quickly and headed to Amanda's house. Aunt Amanda received them

in the evening Bella: Thank you Aunt Amanda we tired you with us and also thank you for the

food and everything Amanda: You are welcome dear but I am afraid to say that I could not host

you for more than two days because my daughter who lives in the city is coming, take me to

live with her and she will sell my house Bella sadly: That is unfortunate because you will leave

but do not worry from here in two days her coast let's go to sleep Talia in the room Talia sadly: It

is all because of me we lost everything we have and now you will stay in the street I am sorry

Bella: Don't be sorry you did not make a mistake and that woman seems strange, she said that

she knows us and that she is very close to us but I have never seen her in my life Talia: Neither

do I Bella confidently: I swear that I will find out the truth and I will protect you no matter what

it costs me and now come on it is time to sleep tomorrow is a hard day. Early in the morning the

two girls woke up early, took a good shower and got ready, then had their breakfast and each

one of them went to look for a job and the other for a place to rent in the restaurant Bella:

Excuse me, the manager is here The guard: He is in that office, you can go see him Bella: Thank

you 3 In the manager's office Bella knocked on the door then entered after he allowed her to

enter Bella: Good morning sir I came for the waitress job Can you interview me please? Sirius

The restaurant manager respectfully: Yes, please sit down Bella: Here, my file will be in half an

hour Sirius: Very good, you deserve a high-end job and not like this, but it's okay, you can start

working tomorrow Miss Isabella Lancus Bella: Sir, you can call me Bella Sirius: And you can call

me Sirius without formalities, everyone here is one family Bella happily: Thank you Sirius. In one

of the buildings Talia: The apartment is beautiful I liked it and the price is also suitable Can I

move here today? Apartment owner: Of course, here is the contract, please sign it. Talia went to

Amanda's house and told her that she had found a place to live and took all her things and

Belle's things to the new apartment. In the apartment Belle happily: I am happy. Tomorrow I will

start work and we also have an apartment. Talia laughing: Yes, me too, but I have to look for a

job. Belle: Do it in a week so that you have time to help me arrange the apartment and to rest as

well. Recently, our lives have been turned upside down. Talia: Okay, let's order pizza and cake, I

am hungry. Belle devoured you with laughter: Haha, okay, you monster, don't eat me. I will doeverything you ask. Talia laughing: Come on, hurry up.

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