In the aristocratic world filled with strict rules, Clarisse Faeloria, a young noblewoman, is faced with a harsh reality: an arranged marriage she cannot escape. Despite living a life of luxury, freedom has always been a dream just out of reach. When her family accepts a proposal from Lorcan Frostborne, the infamous Duke of the North known for his cold and ruthless nature, Clarisse feels as if her world is falling apart.
This marriage is not just about her—it is about her family's prosperity. Though her heart resists, the weight of societal expectations and the promise of great wealth trap her in a dilemma. How could she entrust her future to a man she has never even met, yet whose terrifying reputation echoes throughout the land?
Will Clarisse accept this marriage for the sake of her family, or will she find a way to defy the fate that has been set for her?
(I am an author from Indonesia, and I have quite a few works written in Indonesian.)
NovelToon got authorization from Yayang_ to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.