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Author Name: Lawless-sensei

My Love Revenge

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Author Name: Lawless-sensei

Its about Kiyoshi Shin who hs been bullied by the other kid because he is fat, because of the continues bully he ended up to the house of Atsuka Aki she is a rich and beautiful girl she drived the bullies away and told kiyoshi that he is so weak so she help kiyoshi to be strong after that kiyoshi is always at aki's house but one time kiyoshi goes to aki's house to say to aki that he likes her but when he confessed aki's shadow show up on the window and aki said that she hates him and ask kiyoshi to never comeback after that kiyoshi is heart broken and think that he will get his revenge so he goes to his grand father to the mountain and he trained there to be strong and to lose some weight after 8 years kiyoshi return as an High schooler and he continue to swear revenge to aki

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My Love Revenge
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