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Author Name: Anya G.

Give Me Life

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Author Name: Anya G.

In a world devastated by war, humanity faces an imminent threat: fierce creatures that have reduced their existence to a constant struggle for survival. These beasts, imposing and nearly invincible, have taken control of the planet, leaving humans in a desperate fight. However, amidst the adversity, humanity has decided not to give up. Yonah, a young girl filled with determination who has lived with the knowledge that her time in this world is limited, has been part of this effort since her birth. Along with her friends, she will embark on a dangerous battle to eradicate these creatures and forge a hopeful future for humanity.

NovelToon got authorization from Anya G. to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

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